Considering .onion is a non-resolving TLD, how would a CA issue a certificate 
for a .onion name that they can't verify whether the requester is the 
administrator of that service ? DV certificates can use lots of mechanisms to 
verify that, but is one of them feasible for CAs to use ? 


> Em 16/03/2015, à(s) 19:16:000, Jacob Appelbaum <> escreveu:
> Hi,
> I realized after uploading that I hadn't sent this along for discussion.
> Hopefully it is a topic of discussion in Dallas.  Tor's onion names
> are widely deployed and used by lots of folks all around the world.
> Our deployment size isn't news or really much of a discussion point -
> rather, I'm primarily concerned about users who have certificates
> issued to .onion names. Our Special Use Domain Name for consideration
> is directly related to things happening in the CAB forum. The CAB
> Forum context is here:
> - most importantly is the date October 1st. On that date we'll have a
> death day for currently issued certifcates with .onion names. This
> makes the onion name issue rather time sensitive and without further
> action, some stuff will likely break.
> The draft announcement is here:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From:
>> Date: Fri, 06 Mar 2015 17:25:10 -0800
>> Subject: New Version Notification for draft-appelbaum-dnsop-onion-tld-00.txt
>> To: Jacob Appelbaum <>, Alec Muffett <>
>> A new version of I-D, draft-appelbaum-dnsop-onion-tld-00.txt
>> has been successfully submitted by Jacob Appelbaum and posted to the
>> IETF repository.
>> Name:                draft-appelbaum-dnsop-onion-tld
>> Revision:    00
>> Title:               The .onion Special-Use Domain Name
>> Document date:       2015-03-05
>> Group:               Individual Submission
>> Pages:               6
>> URL:            
>> Status:         
>> Htmlized:
>> Abstract:
>>   This document registers the ".onion" Special-Use Domain Name.
> All the best,
> Jacob
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