Hash: RIPEMD160

On 02/18/10 10:06, Todd Glassey wrote:
The Vendor's who ship BIND as a part of their OS's are being told that
they must pay the ISC to 'join the forum' to get early notice of the
bugs and security flaws found by parties outside of the ISC itself and
that is possibly the biggest issue.
I'm sort of hesitant to shovel troll-food into the trough here,
particularly since the topic is not relevant on this list, but since I
think it might be helpful for others I would like to present at least
one data point that contradicts your statement above.
Unfortunately for you Doug there is no difference between the word NIGGER and the word TROLL and its time to escalate this into a formal complaint considering the actions in this and other working groups to parties they label as "Trolls".

As I have said, there is no difference between this and the Jim Crow actions which separated blacks from the white population in then US and the application of the concept of racially unfit parties as Trolls within the IETF, which also of course brings us to the question of how many people of color are management within the IETF?.

Have a nice day.

Todd Glassey
I maintain BIND-related stuff for FreeBSD, both in the ports tree and in
the base. We received a membership in the BIND Forum at no cost that
includes both advance notice of security vulnerabilities and advance
access to new code.\
  This information has been very useful in having
patches and updates ready to go for our users when the vulnerabilities
are released publicly. My understanding (although I don't speak for ISC)
is that this type of membership is available to other FOSS projects as
well with similar terms.

If anyone has questions I'll be glad to answer them off-list to the
extent that I can. Info on the BIND Forum is available here:


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