On 2/18/2010 8:31 AM, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:
Me being only a lurker here always thought that nobody put a gun to
my head using open source, never mind caveat emptor.


greetings, el
El - in fact that is ONLY true on paper. If you have to remove all of the open source components from something like LINUX you are toast. It cannot be done as far as I can tell - same is true for anyone using NTP and DHCP as well. This is beginning to get pretty ugly too.

The Vendor's who ship BIND as a part of their OS's are being told that they must pay the ISC to 'join the forum' to get early notice of the bugs and security flaws found by parties outside of the ISC itself and that is possibly the biggest issue.

You figure out the implications from there - they are pretty obvious.

Todd Glassey
on 2010-02-18 17:54 Todd Glassey said the following:
The real answer Tony is coming out of left field and it is the legal
claims being asserted against people intentionally fielding code they
know is broken and for which they refused to accept criticism's about
that code (oddly enough from people like Dean and I and a number of others.

The real fun part is the legal liability this is creating for people who
in this list claim they have a right to ignore whatever they want, and
its coming...

So the real issue is whether there is a class action matter coming
against the ISC and a number of the projects it operates per this new
accountability push.

This is NOT good for any of these projects so I suggest that the proper
response is a new level of transparency in who is making what decisions
for the WG and how they are made regarding design testing and otherwise.

Just my two cents as a civilian.

Todd Glasssey

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