On 2/23/2010 1:26 PM, bmann...@vacation.karoshi.com wrote:
On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 07:09:12AM -0800, Todd Glassey wrote:
As I have said, there is no difference between this and the Jim Crow
actions which separated blacks from the white population in then US and
the application of the concept of racially unfit parties as Trolls
within the IETF, which also of course brings us to the question of how
many people of color are management within the IETF?.

Have a nice day.

Todd Glassey
        Why thank you, I will.  And the same to you.
        In answer to your question; "how many people of color are management
        within the IETF?" I think I have an answer for you.

        All of them.  No person that I am aware of in the ietf management
        chain are transparent - all reflect light at various points on
        the spectrum.  With this information, you may now make the claim
        that the IETF management is opaque, lacking transparency... and
        you would be technically correct.
Yes and its composed of comedians who think these things can be laughed or belittled away (like you evidently)... The problem we are talking about is ethics and the lack of it here in the IETF and laughing about how stupid the complaint is shows how corrupt the management of this WG and others are (are you offended - good - I have been for some time now)...
        any other little questions bothering you that we might help with?
Yes - as to who you formally represent here in the IETF...
Bill - you clearly document the problem you and many others have created here. This isn't funny since anyone who fails to "formally put their sponsors on notice that they also would be liable there may in those instances be creating a fraud complaint as well" since most all participants I believe are lying through heir teeth as to whether they hold power of attorney for their sponsors here.

Bill - this is simple - the transparency (and specifically the lack of it) you joke about is why people at ENRON were capable of screwing their investors - the question is where these actions are finally stopped - and whether that takes court and damage claims against the comedians here on the list.

Todd Glassey

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