Me being only a lurker here always thought that nobody put a gun to
my head using open source, never mind caveat emptor.


greetings, el

on 2010-02-18 17:54 Todd Glassey said the following:
> The real answer Tony is coming out of left field and it is the legal
> claims being asserted against people intentionally fielding code they
> know is broken and for which they refused to accept criticism's about
> that code (oddly enough from people like Dean and I and a number of others.
> The real fun part is the legal liability this is creating for people who
> in this list claim they have a right to ignore whatever they want, and
> its coming...
> So the real issue is whether there is a class action matter coming
> against the ISC and a number of the projects it operates per this new
> accountability push.
> This is NOT good for any of these projects so I suggest that the proper
> response is a new level of transparency in who is making what decisions
> for the WG and how they are made regarding design testing and otherwise.
> Just my two cents as a civilian.
> Todd Glasssey

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