On 04/28/2016 12:44 PM, Anon Lister wrote:
Nice. I just did an x64 el7, so I only had to source build a few
packages. I'd be curious to know what kind of performance you get on
that platform.
I'll let you know. I am so far very pleased with the performance. Quad
2GHz ARMv8 cores with 2GB RAM is reasonably fast.
For deps, you may be able to harvest a list from the the work Geoff
has been doing for the windows build scripts[1]. He also lists the
versions used.
Hmm, cool, I'll look into it. Right now I'm winding my way down the
rabbit hole of python dependencies. The nice thing is that if I get
stuck and if it is a 'noarch' RPM I can just load the x86_64 version (in
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