Nice. I just did an x64 el7, so I only had to source build a few packages.
I'd be curious to know what kind of performance you get on that platform.

For deps, you may be able to harvest a list from the the work Geoff has
been doing for the windows build scripts[1]. He also lists the versions


On Apr 28, 2016 12:14 PM, "Lamar Owen" <> wrote:

> I have been successful in getting CentOS 7 onto an ODroid C2.  This is the
> AArch64 version; armv8, 64-bit.
> I did run into a bug in build-gnuradio, however.  The logic that
> determines the release number for CentOS/RHEL/SL 6 is flawed.  The logic
> looks for the pattern '*elease*6*' in /etc/redhat-release; however, on the
> CentOS 7 AArch64 version, here's what is in that file:
> [lowen@dhcp-pool169 ~]$ cat /etc/redhat-release
> CentOS Linux release 7.2.1603 (AltArch)
> [lowen@dhcp-pool169 ~]$
> This incorrectly drives the script to try the prereqs for CentOS/RHEL//SL
> 6 instead of 7.  Changing the test to '*elease*6.*' fixes it.
> I don't quite have a full GUI build of GNURadio yet since I've been
> hand-building the EPEL dependencies one by one, and now I have another list
> of deps to build..... (There is no EPEL for CentOS7 on any arm, 32 or
> 64-bit, yet).  The build, not counting GRC and a few other GUI modules,
> takes over 6 and a half hours on the C2 and eats swap for lunch (a couple
> of the wrapper files need >2GB of virt during the build, and the C2 only
> has 2GB of RAM).
> I'll give a fuller report once I have a successful GUI build, and/or when
> EPEL is available for AArch64......
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