I haven't yet tried on the -C2 but I have built gnuradio on the ODROID-X and ODROID-U3.

I found you need at least 4GB of swap or it silently dies during the build.
73 ... Sid.

On 28/04/16 17:19, Marcus Müller wrote:
Dear Owen,

I'd say the fact that you quickly eat up all your RAM is the best
indication for it possibly being a good idea to cross-build for the
Odroid on a PC. I've never actually did a cross-compilation for CentOS
or Fedora packages (just for the same architecture), but that might just
be the way to go: Get a .spec file for GNU Radio on x86_64, adjust it as
necessary, and use it to build stuff for the C2. As said, I've never
done this myself, though.

Best regards,

On 04/28/2016 06:13 PM, Lamar Owen wrote:
I have been successful in getting CentOS 7 onto an ODroid C2.  This is
the AArch64 version; armv8, 64-bit.

I did run into a bug in build-gnuradio, however.  The logic that
determines the release number for CentOS/RHEL/SL 6 is flawed.  The
logic looks for the pattern '*elease*6*' in /etc/redhat-release;
however, on the CentOS 7 AArch64 version, here's what is in that file:
[lowen@dhcp-pool169 ~]$ cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS Linux release 7.2.1603 (AltArch)
[lowen@dhcp-pool169 ~]$

This incorrectly drives the script to try the prereqs for
CentOS/RHEL//SL 6 instead of 7.  Changing the test to '*elease*6.*'
fixes it.

I don't quite have a full GUI build of GNURadio yet since I've been
hand-building the EPEL dependencies one by one, and now I have another
list of deps to build..... (There is no EPEL for CentOS7 on any arm,
32 or 64-bit, yet).  The build, not counting GRC and a few other GUI
modules, takes over 6 and a half hours on the C2 and eats swap for
lunch (a couple of the wrapper files need >2GB of virt during the
build, and the C2 only has 2GB of RAM).

I'll give a fuller report once I have a successful GUI build, and/or
when EPEL is available for AArch64......

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Sid Boyce ... Hamradio License G3VBV, Licensed Private Pilot
Emeritus IBM/Amdahl Mainframes and Sun/Fujitsu Servers Tech Support
Senior Staff Specialist, Cricket Coach
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