You can just add a bigger file-backed swap partition. From my experience
building on the Pi3, the time that it spends building stuff at a high mem
requirement is low. This will allow it to not die on a burst of mem needed,
but allow the build to continue with fairly little oversight.
On Apr 29, 2016 10:33 AM, "Lamar Owen" <> wrote:

> On 04/28/2016 07:40 PM, Marcus Müller wrote:
>> before I head to bed:
>> I was actually thinking about using a SPEC from any other platform (ie.
>> prolly x86_64) and just fixing a few flags, if at all necessary – the
>> cmake build system will usually deal just fine! So really, if you want
>> bleeding edge, go for it :) and don't wait for EPEL.
> I will be doing this once I get a known good build using the
> build-gnuradio script, as I know it works.  I have pulled the appropriate
> source RPMs from EPEL and will go about updating them for, then
> rebuild them, both on x86_64 and on aarch64.
> I did get all of the builreqs built and/or installed yesterday, and got
> the build-gnuradio script started, and it ran for a while, but anything
> other than -j1 creates issues, but only with a couple of files (all of the
> *_swigPYTHON_wrap.cxx.o files take huge amounts of virt mem to compile
> (>2GB); is there a good way to let the make be parallelized except for
> these files?).
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