On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 1:17 PM, Alireza Khodamoradi <alire...@eng.ucsd.edu>

> Hello everyone,
> I'm going through the instructions from here:
> http://gnuradio.org/redmine/projects/gnuradio/wiki/Zynq
> to get a working image with gnu radio for my zedboard.
> Unfortunately I can't get the board to boot with this image. I was
> wondering if someone can help me.
> what I tried so far ( all failed - can't boot from the SDCard):
> - default settings in the instructions
> - renaming u-boot.bin to boot.bin
> - renaming u-boot.bin to BOOT.BIN
> - renaming uImage--zedboard-zynq7.dtb to devicetree.dtb
> - I tried command line as well as gparted gui.
> what I checked:
> - download a linux from XillyBus and boot the board with SDCard -> works
> v/r
> Alireza

Can you provide details about how it's not booting? Are you monitoring the
boot sequence over the tty connection (/dev/ttyACM0, usually). I've noticed
bugs on my system where the u-boot sequence doesn't kick off properly, so I
have to go in over the serial connection to actually call 'boot' to get it
to run. (I'm sure this problem is something that I've done to myself.)

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