On 08/30/2011 07:45 PM, Nemanja Trecakov wrote:

>Doing anything other than *what is absolutely necessary* as *root* is a bad idea. Poor form. Entirely-ordinary things like compiling code >should always be done as a regular user. Learn to use and understand Unix ownership/permissions rules, so you don't end up in silly
>situations like this again.

Ok, thank you for the advise Marcus, but it seemed as the easiest thing to do at that moment. I think it was faster than changing the permission for a number of directories, but I may be wrong.
sudo chown -R your-user-id whatever-your-directory-is

Don't think of the computer/OS as an obstacle that gets in the way of what you're doing. Think of it as a long-term partner. You should think of a new computer/operating-system as akin to an exciting new lover. Learn their secrets, the things they like, and don't
  like.  Make them yours.  It'll be beautiful.

What do you mean by toolchain? Do you mean different Xilinx_ISE version 12.x (I am using 12.4)? I can understand the random choice of two equally-good. By the way, the file sizes are the same, 842.3 KB, but when using diff and mb5sum they show different.

Thanks for help! I really appreciate it!

-Nemanja Trecakov
Matt/Josh/Nick/Jason can say which version of the tool-chain they used, but yes, I'm talking about the different versions of ISE. They'll produce slightly different binaries, and also the "Monte Carlo" decision stuff I talked about can yield a somewhat different build. Keep in mind that a program like 'md5sum' will produce a completely different hash output even for a single changed bit!

Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

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