> >
> > ERROR:TclTasksC:xfile_070: File(s) "./)" cannot be found
> Undo your previous changes to the makefile.srcs

I changed all the makefile.srcs to the original form, but a new error occurs:

Error output:
process_begin: CreateProcess(C:\DOCUME~1\Nemanja\LOCALS~1\Temp\make4304-1.bat, C
:\DOCUME~1\Nemanja\LOCALS~1\Temp\make4304-1.bat, ...) failed.
make (e=87): The parameter is incorrect.
make: *** [C:/USRP2_fpga_NEMO/usrp2/top/USRP2/build/u2_rev3.xise] Error 87

Google told me this means that the object path is too long. However, I did not 
found any understandable way to solve it.
Any idea of what to do?

Thank you!

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