>Doing anything other than *what is absolutely necessary* as *root*
    is a bad idea.  Poor form.  Entirely-ordinary things like compiling
>should always be done as a regular user.  Learn to use and
    understand Unix ownership/permissions rules, so you don't end up in
>situations like this again.

Ok, thank you for the advise Marcus, but it seemed as the easiest thing to do 
at that moment. I think it was faster than changing the permission for a number 
of directories, but I may be wrong.


    >Different versions of the toolchain?  Also, do the Xilinx tools do
    any random stuff--I'm not an expert in FPGA LUT generation, but I
>that sometimes, when there are two equally-good "choices" to be
    made in generating the LUTs, the toolchain simply picks randomly
>among the choices.  I have no idea if this is the case here.


    What do you mean by toolchain? Do you mean different Xilinx_ISE version 
12.x (I am using 12.4)? I can understand the random choice of two equally-good.
By the way, the file sizes are the same, 842.3 KB, but when using diff and 
mb5sum they show different.

Thanks for help! I really appreciate it!


-Nemanja Trecakov
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