Il 11/11/24 12:12, Kalev Lember ha scritto:

> On Mon, Nov 11, 2024 at 12:05 PM Neal Gompa <> wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 11, 2024 at 5:59 AM Lukas Ruzicka <> wrote:
>>> Well, I am very sad about this step and I feel very sorry that you are 
>>> trying to remove the word karma from the process. I believe that Karma 
>>> denotes one of the most powerful, the most noble, and the most fair 
>>> principles of this world, because traditionally it is above this world.
>>> Kudos, or anything you have suggested, is far less.
>>> The Linux world has always had a kind of "lore" with interesting project 
>>> names, acronyms, which mostly were made up as "pun intended". I do not 
>>> understand why anybody has an urge to take this away.
>>> Please, think twice about it, because the world will always get you people 
>>> that want to diminish the meaning of your contribution to the project by 
>>> claiming that your work is not noble/tolerant/clean/you-name-it enough. 
>>> Once you take a step back, they will take up new positions and they'll 
>>> start pushing again.
>> I am also personally disappointed in this. Draining the personality away 
>> from things we make just makes it less fun and interesting. ☹️
> I'd much rather keep the existing karma terminology as well. I hope it is not 
> a final decision to change it.
> --
> Kalev

The original request to change the term "karma" in Bodhi was

I see some points which are in favor to the renaming:
- we are using the term like a "joke" while it has religious connotations.
- even not considering that, we are misusing the concept of karma (as I 
understand it): giving positive karma to an update doesn't give back positive 
karma on your own update, and vice versa.
- the third, which is why I agree with the change (I told you I'm not 
interested in being politically correct...), is that I saw multiple times new 
users confused by the terminology "give karma to the update".

I'm not sure who has to decide whether to rename the terminology or not. I've 
started to work on that task and already merged minor changes (renamed BugKarma 
and TestCaseKarma classes, which are mostly in the backend and not visible by 
end users), but I can always stop and wait for more feedback.

I could also continue to ignore the change request and leave that unanswered, 
after all I'm just a contributor to Bodhi code... the real problem is I don't 
know who's in charge to make decisions on such changes. But as I said I quite 
agree with renaming the term.

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