On Mon, Nov 11, 2024 at 5:59 AM Lukas Ruzicka <lruzi...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Well, I am very sad about this step and I feel very sorry that you are
> trying to remove the word karma from the process. I believe that Karma
> denotes one of the most powerful, the most noble, and the most fair
> principles of this world, because traditionally it is above this world.
> Kudos, or anything you have suggested, is far less.
> The Linux world has always had a kind of "lore" with interesting project
> names, acronyms, which mostly were made up as "pun intended". I do not
> understand why anybody has an urge to take this away.
> Please, think twice about it, because the world will always get you people
> that want to diminish the meaning of your contribution to the project by
> claiming that your work is not noble/tolerant/clean/you-name-it enough.
> Once you take a step back, they will take up new positions and they'll
> start pushing again.

I am also personally disappointed in this. Draining the personality away
from things we make just makes it less fun and interesting. ☹️

真実はいつも一つ!/ Always, there's only one truth!
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