Hello Ewan,

Tuesday, March 9, 2010, 12:41:26 PM, you wrote:
>> On Tue, Mar 09, 2010 at 12:07:20PM -0500, Al Dunsmuir wrote:
>> To  some  extent,  I  view  my current contribution to Fedora as being
>> unreasonable  and  insisting  that  it be able to perform basic server
>> tasks  reasonably  for  a  small home system. If it can't do that, why
>> would  I  believe  that  future RHEL releases won't follow the current
>> problematic trends that currently plague Fedora?
> It depends what you think the problems are; if you're concerned about a
> high rate of updates, and updates being poorly tested, then those are
> process issues that are not going to be replicated in RHEL. If you're
> worried about the direction the actual software is going in, then I'd
> have thought that the closer Fedora gets to a 'release early, release
> often' approach, the better informed you are about what's likely to be
> coming, as well as having more of a chance to change it before it's too
> late.

I  want more updates. I want them to be more frequent, incremental and
each  reasonably  well tested. Trying to do too many changes at a time
not  only  leads to an increased likelihood of error, it makes it much
harder   to   determine   which   update  caused  a  particular  issue
(regression, or simple behaviour change).

> Fedora shouldn't /just/ be a development playground for RHEL, and I
> don't think it is, but amongst everything else it does, it is that as
> well, and there doesn't seem much point in trying to make Fedora
> suitable for low maintanence long running servers when we already have
> an excellent Fedora style OS for that.

I  want a Fedora playground that is up-to-date (not quite rawhide, but
supported  if  I  find  an issue). I am willing to accept a reasonable
amount  of  risk,  churn  and  extra  effort  as  part  of the cost of
receiving those extra updates. The primary benefit to me is seeing new
features and bug fixes in a useful timeframe.

That  being  said,  I want a playground where the cats are kept out of
the  sandbox - minimal unexpected/unwanted surprises, if you know what
I mean.


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