Hello Ewan,

Tuesday, March 9, 2010, 11:50:21 AM, you wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 09, 2010 at 09:33:45AM -0500, Al Dunsmuir wrote:
>> Hello Seth,
>> Tuesday, March 9, 2010, 9:23:00 AM, you wrote:
>> > Your primary server runs fedora? May I ask why?
>> > -sv
>> I  have  limited  time to do system installs and maintenance. Sticking
>> with  one  distribution  helps keep that sane. I have a dual boot XP +
>> Ubuntu machine that I do some play with, but I find it strange, having
>> used  Fedora  since  FC3.
> You should consider running a RHEL rebuild like Scientific Linux or
> CentOS then; they're very Fedora-like in most respects, and are
> supported for very, very long periods.

> Ewan

More to the point, RHEL/Centos reflect past Fedora releases.

To  some  extent,  I  view  my current contribution to Fedora as being
unreasonable  and  insisting  that  it be able to perform basic server
tasks  reasonably  for  a  small home system. If it can't do that, why
would  I  believe  that  future RHEL releases won't follow the current
problematic trends that currently plague Fedora?

I  don't  pretend  to  be  mainstream. For example, my intention is to
become  involved in the Fedora ARM secondary arch. I recently acquired
an OpenRD-Client box... which still ships with a crufty F8 ARM port.


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