On Tue, Mar 09, 2010 at 12:07:20PM -0500, Al Dunsmuir wrote:
> Tuesday, March 9, 2010, 11:50:21 AM, you wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 09, 2010 at 09:33:45AM -0500, Al Dunsmuir wrote:
> >> 
> >> I  have  limited  time to do system installs and maintenance. Sticking
> >> with  one  distribution  helps keep that sane. I have a dual boot XP +
> >> Ubuntu machine that I do some play with, but I find it strange, having
> >> used  Fedora  since  FC3.
> >> 
> > You should consider running a RHEL rebuild like Scientific Linux or
> > CentOS then; they're very Fedora-like in most respects, and are
> > supported for very, very long periods.
> More to the point, RHEL/Centos reflect past Fedora releases.
Or, equally, as someone was suggesting, Fedora shows the future of RHEL.

> To  some  extent,  I  view  my current contribution to Fedora as being
> unreasonable  and  insisting  that  it be able to perform basic server
> tasks  reasonably  for  a  small home system. If it can't do that, why
> would  I  believe  that  future RHEL releases won't follow the current
> problematic trends that currently plague Fedora?
It depends what you think the problems are; if you're concerned about a
high rate of updates, and updates being poorly tested, then those are
process issues that are not going to be replicated in RHEL. If you're
worried about the direction the actual software is going in, then I'd
have thought that the closer Fedora gets to a 'release early, release
often' approach, the better informed you are about what's likely to be
coming, as well as having more of a chance to change it before it's too

Fedora shouldn't /just/ be a development playground for RHEL, and I
don't think it is, but amongst everything else it does, it is that as
well, and there doesn't seem much point in trying to make Fedora
suitable for low maintanence long running servers when we already have
an excellent Fedora style OS for that.


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