On 09/03/10 16:50, Ewan Mac Mahon wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 09, 2010 at 09:33:45AM -0500, Al Dunsmuir wrote:
>> Hello Seth,
>> Tuesday, March 9, 2010, 9:23:00 AM, you wrote:
>>> Your primary server runs fedora? May I ask why?
>>> -sv
>> I  have  limited  time to do system installs and maintenance. Sticking
>> with  one  distribution  helps keep that sane. I have a dual boot XP +
>> Ubuntu machine that I do some play with, but I find it strange, having
>> used  Fedora  since  FC3.
> You should consider running a RHEL rebuild like Scientific Linux or
> CentOS then; they're very Fedora-like in most respects, and are
> supported for very, very long periods.
> Ewan
The trouble is that Fedora does not want to lose this user or group of
users. If all of the users that use Fedora for reasonably important
tasks (not mission critical) stop using it, it will lose all of the
real use testing and feedback to upstream developers that Fedora is
good for and Linux needs.

My feeling is that is likely to be happening ...

I think Fedora should have a carefully balanced position between the
mission critical systems and completely play only systems.

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