Al Dunsmuir wrote:
> To  some  extent,  I  view  my current contribution to Fedora as being
> unreasonable  and  insisting  that  it be able to perform basic server
> tasks  reasonably  for  a  small home system. If it can't do that, why
> would  I  believe  that  future RHEL releases won't follow the current
> problematic trends that currently plague Fedora?

You are not alone. I, too, use Fedora (12 now) as a server system with 
many server services. However, we don't have any scientific metrics to 
know how many of "us" there are. :o

> I  don't  pretend  to  be  mainstream. For example, my intention is to
> become  involved in the Fedora ARM secondary arch. I recently acquired
> an OpenRD-Client box... which still ships with a crufty F8 ARM port.

I, too, hope to build on Fedora ARM, as Debian, Maemo, and now MeeGo, 
just don't cut it for me.
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