Hi there, I'm using st and dwm at the same time, and today I discovered a little problem when using the default config of both programs. st uses Alt-Shift-C to copy text into the clipboard, dwm uses Mod1-Shift-C for closing the selected window, whereas Mod1 is Alt by default, at least on my machine. (Maybe some of you use Super_L, vulgo "the Windows key".)
So guess what happened when I was trying to copy some code into the clipboard today ;-) How do you deal with that? Thanks for suggestions, Patrick PS: Anybody using Arch Linux here? Since the fontconfig update today st no longer works with my font of choice Terminus. Just in case somebody has the same problem... here's my font[] definition: static char font[] = "Terminus:pixelsize=24:antialias=true:autohint=true:lang=ru";