On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 07:25:06PM +0100, Patrick Bucher wrote:
> I'm using st and dwm at the same time, and today I discovered a little problem
> when using the default config of both programs. st uses Alt-Shift-C to copy 
> text
> into the clipboard, […] How do you deal with that?

Use Ctrl-Sfhit-C, not Alt-Shift-C, like the other terminal emulators use.

> PS: Anybody using Arch Linux here?

Yes, because I'm too lazy to get crappy packages in a “real” distro.

> Since the fontconfig update today st no longer works with my font of
> choice Terminus. Just in case somebody has the same problem... here's
> my font[] definition:

Nothing to do with Arch. It's an upstream fontconfig change. The font
name is now “xos4 Terminus”.

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