Patrick Bucher <> writes: > Hi there, > > I'm using st and dwm at the same time, and today I discovered a little problem > when using the default config of both programs. st uses Alt-Shift-C to copy > text > into the clipboard, dwm uses Mod1-Shift-C for closing the selected window, > whereas Mod1 is Alt by default, at least on my machine. (Maybe some of you use > Super_L, vulgo "the Windows key".)
> How do you deal with that? Indeed I user Super_L key for dwm, because many programs use Alt for their own keyboard bindings. Also, I use the mouse for copying and use autocutsel for syncing selection and clipboard. So I mostly do not copy using Alt-Shift-C. > PS: Anybody using Arch Linux here? Since the fontconfig update today st no > longer works with my font of choice Terminus. Just in case somebody has the > same > problem... here's my font[] definition: I Arch and my font is Adobe Pro.