On Thu, 31 Jul 2014 13:50:18 +0200
"Roberto E. Vargas Caballero" <k...@shike2.com> wrote:

> I was talking about the normal blinking.

Sure that! No one needs two modes. ;)

> It seems that almost of the developer agree that we only need one
> blinking. The thing we have to do now is blink in both cases (with
> the same speed), because know we only blink in the normal blink
> speed.

Exactly! Keep it the way it is and just fall through in the switch.
It's 100 times simpler and it keeps the code lean.
The changes involved for the two modes may not look like much, but I'm
anxious it might limit our possibilities on refactorization quite

Let's do it this way: Everyone who really needs two modes can present
his opinion here. I'm all for fairness, but while we're discussing this
topic here, no one really gave a good reason for the two modes.
It was all about how low the impact of the patch is.

Take my suggestion: The lowest impact is when you realize which features
you need and which you don't. Think about it!



FRIGN <d...@frign.de>

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