On Thu, 31 Jul 2014 12:10:43 +0200
"Roberto E. Vargas Caballero" <k...@shike2.com> wrote:

> Yeah, it is true. I will apply it only if it fits well in the new
> main-loop. I have modified the original patch and now it may be applied
> to HEAD. The patch itself is not bad, and the complexity it pays for two
> blinks is very small. I have not tested it, but I attach it only to show
> what modifications need to be done.

It's rather short, but as I said, even too complex for two blinking-speeds.
The added complexitiy is sufficient for any desired speed, which is way more
than we need.
Not dishonoring the author of course, who did a fine job. However, I still
keep my opinion.

> Refactoring the main loop is the first priority now, if you have a patch
> serie about it, be sure no any other patch is going to be applied that
> could create a conflict.

Don't worry about that, Roberto. Just keep on doing the great work and I'll
let you know when I have a patchset ready and need the mainline to be frozen.



FRIGN <d...@frign.de>

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