"Apache Pulsar Community" is not the PMC and that is 100% not the "Apache
Way™" If it said "Apache Pulsar Project" then I think that would be a
mischaracterization. I've helped run over 500 Apache-related meetups over
the past 10 years and myself and other organizers have always been careful
to use the word "community" as the people and not the project.

This makes the PMC look like some sort of powerful ruling body, which it
isn't. The PMC can't tell people that they aren't a part of the community.
How would you add this to your board report? There is nothing here that
appears as a trademark violation or implication of ownership.


On Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 4:57 PM Matteo Merli <mme...@apache.org> wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 4:26 PM Aaron Williams <aa...@wi5s.com> wrote:
> > Meetups and the Umbrella Group-
> > Having an Umbrella Group also prevents or at least makes it tougher for
> the
> > “wild west” of meetup organizations to happen.  For Apache Hadoop, both
> > Cloudera and Hortonworks sponsored competing meetups early on, which led
> to
> > tons of problems for that community around vendor neutrality.  We can
> avoid
> > this can of worms for Apache Pulsar by providing oversight and guidance
> > from the beginning.
> >
> > Thus, given the above and that it is better for the organizers, better
> for
> > the PMC’s responsibility to oversee vendor neutrality, and better for
> users
> > and potential users to manage meetups with a little more structure, I
> would
> > recommend that the PMC go forward with giving its blessing to the
> Umbrella
> > model.
> Aaron,
> Several PMC members have already asked you to rename the meetup groups
> you have created, because using "Apache Pulsar Community" as the
> organizer represents a big mischaracterization that wants to give the
> impression that the Pulsar PMC is behind these meetups.
> I believe any other discussion around meetups cannot prescind from that
> fact.
> Matteo
> --
> Matteo Merli
> <mme...@apache.org>

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