> I think it's entirely understandable for the PMC to say "we don't want to
> be responsible for this", but it would be highly unfortunate for the PMC to
> say "we don't want to be responsible for this AND no one from the community
> is allowed to do this either", especially when there are people
> volunteering to take on the effort.

That was *absolutely not* what was answered.

I re-quote my answer from before:

  * Everyone is allowed (and encouraged!) to create and promote events
   around Apache Pulsar (following the ASF guidelines on trademarks)
  * Using "Apache Pulsar Community" as the organizer is a
     mischaracterization, since that effort is not coming from the Pulsar
  * These events should be renamed to something that makes it
    absolutely clear this is not from Pulsar PMC

> is allowed to do this either", especially when there are people
> volunteering to take on the effort.

Volunteering to take on the effort doesn't give the right to start
acting on behalf of the PMC.

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