> On 26/nov/2013, at 08:10, "Ben Pfaff" <b...@nicira.com> wrote:
> Since you're OK with manual updates, I'm happy in principle with having
> IDE-related files in the repository as long as they are not unreasonably
> large.  But there's something weird going on.  Why would special files
> would be needed for syntax highlighting or Git integration or even
> integrated debugging?  Other editors and IDEs manage these features
> without special files (I often use these features in Emacs).

Visual Studio unfortunately does not work with Makefiles, nor it's able to 
import a project from them. It can run a Makefile based project, but that's 
almost useless.

> So: are you really talking about an alternate build system?  I really
> don't want two build systems around because that will inevitably cause
> trouble, e.g. when we add new tests to configure.ac that add new
> config.h macros, for example.  I also doubt that generating the
> testsuite is going to work gracefully.

We can leave the tests in configure.ac. Although Visual Studio provides testing 
tools that help a lot in debugging issues encountered during testing, we can 
IMO skip those for the benefits of a single multi platform testing framework. 
This will also rule out issues with the "alternative" Visual Studio builds.

> I guess by "CI gate" you mean something preventing checking into the
> repository until basic tests pass?  We haven't implemented anything like
> that, yet.  We expect developers to run "make check" before applying
> commits.  On a normal dev box (such as the 2-year-old laptop I'm typing
> this on) this takes under a minute.  It isn't really practical to expect
> a dev to do this on multiple OSes, though, so we'd need something more
> sophisticated if we were to attempt this for Windows.

Are you familiar by any chance with how Gerrit / Jenkins / SmokeStack work on 

In a nutshell, the basic idea is that a developer submits a patchset for review 
with a git extension to Gerrit which in turn executes the unit and integration 
tests on a temporary git branch with that patchset applied. The result is a +1 
/ -1 vote. This can be done on multiple platforms (Linux, Windows, etc), by 
using for example OpenStack to spin up a VM for each run.

Peer review takes typically place at this point and if the patch is reviewed 
positively and approved, another run of unit / integration tests is performed 
to rule out rebasing issues. If the outcome is positive, the code is merged in 
the target git branch.

Gerrit provides lots of additional advantages including a web site that eases 
up the review process providing visual patchset diffs, comments on the code 
lines, etc.

>> On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 01:55:32AM +0000, Alessandro Pilotti wrote:
>> Of course I do. :-)
>> A CI gate might be very helpful for this purpose as a further step to
>> keep those files aligned by avoiding regressions IMO but for the time
>> being we'd perfectly fine with manual updates.
>>> On 26/nov/2013, at 03:19, "Ben Pfaff" <b...@nicira.com> wrote:
>>> You realize that no one else is going to update them, right?
>>>> On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 12:03:02AM +0000, Alessandro Pilotti wrote:
>>>> What if we simply add a folder with the Visual Studio build files to begin 
>>>> with?
>>>>> On 26/nov/2013, at 01:29, "Ben Pfaff" <b...@nicira.com> wrote:
>>>>> We're not switching to CMake.  If you have something to generate the
>>>>> XML files you need, we'll check that in.
>>>>>> On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 11:23:37PM +0000, Alessandro Pilotti wrote:
>>>>>> Visual Studio is the "de facto" IDE for Windows development. It provides 
>>>>>> all the features you'd expect from a modern environment (integrated 
>>>>>> debugger, refactoring tools, Git integration, syntax highlighting and a 
>>>>>> gazillion additional features) and in general it allows to be a few 
>>>>>> orders of magnitude more productive than a text editor and some command 
>>>>>> line tools.
>>>>>> For other scenarios, e.g. Python or other interpreted dynamic languages, 
>>>>>> I'm personally a great fan of simpler editors like Sublime, but I'd 
>>>>>> never even think of working in C/C++/C#/Java/etc without an IDE and 
>>>>>> especially an integrated debugger.
>>>>>> I can assure you that no Windows developer I ever met would ever accept 
>>>>>> to jump back in time 20 years and use vi as her/his main productivity 
>>>>>> tool. :-) If this port is meant to attract more Windows community 
>>>>>> contributors then Visual Studio support is substantially mandatory.
>>>>>> Said that, if in your intentions the project is not meant to be 
>>>>>> developed on Windows but only compiled to produce the binaries, well, 
>>>>>> makefiles are enough. 
>>>>>> I suggest to take a tour of other well known cross platform projects and 
>>>>>> see how those manage the Windows builds. You'll see that some of them 
>>>>>> consider Windows as a platform for builds only (basically no 
>>>>>> development), some use CMake to support all the required platforms (Qt5, 
>>>>>> MySQL, FreeRDP come to mind) and some use separate build systems 
>>>>>> (CPython, Apache, just to name a couple).
>>>>>> If you're interested we can record a quick webcast to show how to use 
>>>>>> Visual Studio for Open vSwitch development activities. This might help 
>>>>>> in clarifying some of the statements above.
>>>>>> As a final note, Visual Studio files are just XML files, so generating 
>>>>>> them dynamically is not that complicated if we really have to.
>>>>>> Alessandro
>>>>>>> On 26/nov/2013, at 00:18, "Gurucharan Shetty" <shet...@nicira.com> 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>> On Nov 25, 2013, at 5:05 PM, Jesse Gross <je...@nicira.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> They're the equivalent of makefiles for Visual Studio. Without them
>>>>>>>> you can't use the Windows-native development tools so while it's not
>>>>>>>> impossible to work it certainly makes life more difficult.
>>>>>>> One can still edit the files using a vi editor (or any other simple 
>>>>>>> editor)on windows and do a make. Probably the disadvantage is that you 
>>>>>>> can't use visual studio ide to write code(?).
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 1:53 PM, Ben Pfaff <b...@nicira.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> What I'm trying to get at is, what are the "solution and related
>>>>>>>>> projects" good for?  The non-Windows world does fine without them, so
>>>>>>>>> if "make" can work on Windows then why is the result "basically
>>>>>>>>> useless for any practical development purpose"?
>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 04:50:40PM -0500, Ethan Jackson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> My understanding is that Guru is working on a solution to this
>>>>>>>>>> problem.  What were your thoughts?
>>>>>>>>>> Ethan
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 3:52 PM, Ben Pfaff <b...@nicira.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 08:11:00PM +0000, Alessandro Pilotti wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> We did some testing with autoconf / automake on Windows. Makefiles
>>>>>>>>>>>> are getting generated correctly although we cannot obviously verify
>>>>>>>>>>>> the result with a full build since we didn?t port all the patches 
>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>> the master branch yet.
>>>>>>>>>>>> There?s anyway a huge limitation: it does not generate a Visual
>>>>>>>>>>>> Studio solution and related projects, which means that it?s
>>>>>>>>>>>> basically useless for any practical development purpose.
>>>>>>>>>>> What are those files good for?
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