On Sunday, April 5, 2015, jonathon <toki.kant...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 05/04/15 00:37, jan i wrote:
> > felt that I as new AOO chair, had formulated the report too negative and
> against the wishes of the community
> I'm going to suggest that said PMC Member was simply shocked at the
> radical difference in reporting styles.
Just to clarify, this did not come from a AOO PMC! It came from a ASF Member
who read the board mailing list. No AOO PMC has at this point in time,
written that I
have acted against the interest of the community.

> You (Jan) do not like negative surprises. Consequently, your reports
> reflect that POV.
> Andrea is more surprise-tolerant, and consequently reports reflect that
> POV.
> Both reports are accurate. The difference is simply one of managerial
> style --- mention potential risks, or only mention documented risks.
> Both styles have their virtues.  Both styles have their vices.  The
> people kicked upstairs can be traumatized by the difference in reporting
> styles, during the transition process.

Agreed, I will however, due to pressure, from non AOO PMC, change the
report, and have a new discussion start on this mailing list. I have asked
people in question to come forward in here and explain their opinions.

I apologize to the community, for not having realized that consensus in
is not enough, when making a board report.

jan i

> jonathon
>   * English - detected
>   * English
>   * English
>  <javascript:void(0);>

Sent from My iPad, sorry for any misspellings.

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