> On 5 Apr 2015, at 2:17 am, Simon Phipps <si...@webmink.com> wrote:
> On 5 Apr 2015 02:05, "jan i" <j...@apache.org> wrote:
>> I can
>> replace the report with a short note stating the I (as chair) have removed
>> it, because the community need more
>> time to discuss the content.
> That seems crazy, given the long review window and the absence of criticism
> on this list. The report was openly discussed for longer than I recall any
> other Board report. Any member claiming there was community opposition
> should produce evidence to that effect.

Ok so nobody has said there was any community opposition at all. I thought 
that the report was worded negatively and suggested a few changes to give 
it a more positive flow that might help the project.

> The report should stand as-is rather than be voided by a private request
> that seems to fly in the face of the public evidence.

My suggestions were just that, and I made it clear they could be incorporated 
or ignored at leisure. I’m totally fine with whatever is decided.


> S.

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