Le 04/02/2013 12:20, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann a écrit :
I got an influenza the 18th which knocked me down for 8 days.

Funny, I got mine on 22nd!

Back in the office last week I need to renew my complete system - harddisk 

Funny again, my in-laws machine got a problem too. I could install Ubuntu on a 
clean area of the HD but couldn't use the Windows partition anymore.

Here is what I have already figured out about the crashes which seemed to be caused by a 
"corrupted" user profile:
Currently, I have not observed a crash with a new user profile.

However there are cases where the new profile still crashes (as for my in-laws 
for example).

I am currently trying to collect "corrupted" user profiles from users who are 
reporting such crashes.

So on my in-laws machine, I took their profile and tried it on the new Ubuntu 
partition: no crash after several minutes and several documents opened, 
including one that used to make AOO crash.
Then I took that same original profile on my Ubuntu system, same result.
Then I tried on my Windows Seven partition, same result, no crash. The only 
bias when trying on Win 7 is that I had switched off the internet access to 
avoid the many updates that I would have had to install (I boot Windows once or 
twice a year, only for corner case tests like that).


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