Hi all,

Thanks, everyone.

Quick update: on the release plan page, I moved feature freeze forward and code 
freeze by one week to make sure we can hit that. No other dates changed.

With regard to 4.0, I was assuming that we'd do it 4 months after 3.9 was 
released. I think for that release, we should front-load all the "remove 
deprecated stuff" work that has piled up, and try to really hit all the release 
milestone dates. I don't think 4.0 needs to be a very ambitious release, it 
really is mostly about the removals and the new JDK (which are a big deal, but 
I hope should fit within the normal timeframes). That being said, if people 
want a shorter 4.0, I'm open to that, as long as we're confident we could 
actually do that :)


On Fri, Jun 14, 2024, at 20:56, Sophie Blee-Goldman wrote:
> +1, thank you Colin
> Given the July freeze deadlines, I take it we are going with the "short
> 3.9.0 release" option and that the existence of this release will impact
> the 4.0.0 deadlines which will still follow the usual schedule -- in other
> words, this is an "additional release" outside of the regular timeline.  Is
> this understanding correct?
> On Fri, Jun 14, 2024 at 5:57 PM Chia-Ping Tsai <chia7...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> +1 thanks Colin!

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