Hi JB, thank you for starting this thread!

I’m already very excited at the prospect of connecting with other members
of the community. I think it would be nice to organize one next year given
the success of the 2024 Summit.

> should we have another event ?
Yes! Definitely

> would you like there to be an in-person event ?
I would personally love for there to be an in-person event. However, I
recognize that it would require much more planning to organize in addition
to facilitating the virtual portion.

> what kind of talks would you like to hear at such an event ?
I think topics like Upcoming Features, and Production Use cases cover a
good mix of interests.

If we have the time, I think including some introductory sections that
explain more basic concepts or walkthroughs would be helpful as well.
Despite the wealth of documentations, one thing we keep hearing from users
of all facets of Iceberg is that getting started with Iceberg can be

I think the Summit can be a natural place to host these sessions as a
starting point for some of our users so they have an easier time joining
the community.

> what kind of talks would you not like to hear at such an event ?
I’m also not keen on having Sales pitches, as I think it would be important
for the project to remain vendor neutral

On Mon, Sep 30, 2024 at 7:08 PM Kevin Liu <kevin.jq....@gmail.com> wrote:

> +1 to hybrid event with an in-person element.
> Things I like to see:
> * Real-world experience from companies running Iceberg at scale
> * Iceberg catalogs and how it's used
> * Integrations with open-source projects in the broader ecosystem
> * Forward-looking statements for the direction of the Iceberg ecosystem
> * Workshops, both for introduction to Iceberg and how to contribute
> Looking forward to the summit! And happy to help in any way.
> Best,
> Kevin
> On Mon, Sep 30, 2024 at 9:38 AM Yufei Gu <flyrain...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thank you, JB, for taking the initiative to get the conversation started
>> for the next Iceberg Summit!
>> I’m really excited to see the community considering a hybrid event for
>> 2025. Having the option for in-person interaction would definitely enhance
>> the sense of connection among contributors and users, but maintaining the
>> virtual option is essential for inclusivity. A hybrid format seems like a
>> great way to reach as many people as possible.
>> I echo the points on broadening the range of talks, especially around
>> user stories and practitioners working with Iceberg in production. Hearing
>> about real-world implementations and use cases is always insightful.
>> Workshops would be a fantastic addition too, particularly for onboarding
>> new users and contributors.
>> I agree we should stay focused on Iceberg and its ecosystem, making the
>> event as vendor-neutral and transparent as possible.
>> Looking forward to seeing how this evolves, and happy to help with
>> anything along the way!
>> Yufei
>> On Sun, Sep 29, 2024 at 11:56 PM Piotr Findeisen <
>> piotr.findei...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> Meeting in person is always the best, but online is much more inclusive.
>>> So +1 for a hybrid event.
>>> Best
>>> Piotr
>>> On Mon, 30 Sept 2024 at 08:27, Eduard Tudenhöfner <
>>> etudenhoef...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>> +1 for a hybrid event
>>>> On Sun, Sep 29, 2024 at 4:51 AM Steven Wu <stevenz...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> +1 for hybrid with in-person elements.
>>>>> On Sat, Sep 28, 2024 at 4:23 PM Matt Topol <zotthewiz...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> +1 from me as well, I would love to attend an in person/hybrid
>>>>>> iceberg summit. Workshops seem like a perfect way to help the community.
>>>>>> On Sat, Sep 28, 2024, 7:11 PM Honah J. <hon...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> +1 on hosting another Iceberg Summit in 2025! We had many great
>>>>>>> talks last time, and I think it will be even better if we can have a 
>>>>>>> hybrid
>>>>>>> mode this time, as the in-person element can add value for deeper
>>>>>>> engagement and networking.
>>>>>>> I’m particularly interested in incorporating workshops. We could
>>>>>>> offer them at different levels—introductory, intermediate, and 
>>>>>>> advanced—so
>>>>>>> participants can attend sessions that best fit their background and
>>>>>>> interests. Covering topics like basic usage, ecosystem integrations,
>>>>>>> advanced features, and different language implementations would help
>>>>>>> participants explore various aspects of the Iceberg project in a 
>>>>>>> hands-on
>>>>>>> way.
>>>>>>> Looking forward to more ideas from the community and happy to help
>>>>>>> where needed!
>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>> Honah
>>>>>>> On Fri, Sep 27, 2024 at 11:02 AM Russell Spitzer <
>>>>>>> russell.spit...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I am really excited about the prospect of another Summit and also
>>>>>>>> had a great time last year. I think we had a great selection of talks 
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> I'm hoping we can do so again.
>>>>>>>> I'm very much in support of having an in person element, I would
>>>>>>>> love to have a chance to talk face to face with other members of the
>>>>>>>> community. I do think we should
>>>>>>>> preserve online viewing as well since I know not everyone has the
>>>>>>>> ability to travel.
>>>>>>>> I do hope that we can have more talks about users with Iceberg in
>>>>>>>> production as well. I think we did a really good job of covering 
>>>>>>>> Iceberg
>>>>>>>> development last time but didn't
>>>>>>>> have as many practitioner discussions as I would have liked. I also
>>>>>>>> think it would be great if we had a section that was purely just 
>>>>>>>> "ideas for
>>>>>>>> Iceberg" where folks can pitch
>>>>>>>> their features and proposals to a much broader audience.
>>>>>>>> I also would love to have some workshops this time as well,
>>>>>>>> showing folks how to use the project, how to make their first tables, 
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> how to contribute to the Iceberg project.
>>>>>>>> Things I'd like to avoid: Sales pitches, Talks not focused on
>>>>>>>> Iceberg or its ecosystem (Personally I don't really want to hear 
>>>>>>>> anything
>>>>>>>> about AI or LLMS but I know that might not be everyone). Ideally I 
>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>> like this to be a vendor neutral event where planning is as 
>>>>>>>> transparent as
>>>>>>>> possible for the community.
>>>>>>>> I'd love to hear what other folks are thinking,
>>>>>>>> Russ
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Sep 27, 2024 at 12:51 PM Jean-Baptiste Onofré <
>>>>>>>> j...@nanthrax.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi folks,
>>>>>>>>> Last year in June we started to discuss the first edition of the
>>>>>>>>> Iceberg Summit (
>>>>>>>>> https://lists.apache.org/thread/cbgx1jlc9ywn618yod2487g498lgrkt3).
>>>>>>>>> The Iceberg Summit was in May 2024, and it was clearly a great
>>>>>>>>> community event, with a lot of nice talks.
>>>>>>>>> This first edition was fully virtual.
>>>>>>>>> I think it would be great to have Iceberg Summit 2025, community
>>>>>>>>> event, but maybe this time a hybrid event.
>>>>>>>>> Also, regarding the number of talks received by the selection
>>>>>>>>> committee for Iceberg Summit 2024, I would suggest (for the future
>>>>>>>>> Selection Committee) to have new talk tracks (like user stories,
>>>>>>>>> practitioners, ...).
>>>>>>>>> The process would be similar of Iceberg Summit 2024:
>>>>>>>>> - first the community discuss here about the idea, kind of event
>>>>>>>>> (virtual, in person, hybrid), ...
>>>>>>>>>    * should we have another event ?
>>>>>>>>>    * would you like there to be an in-person event ?
>>>>>>>>>    * what kind of talks would you like to hear at such an event ?
>>>>>>>>>    * what kind of talks would you not like to hear at such an
>>>>>>>>> event ?
>>>>>>>>> - if there's no objections, the Iceberg PMC should approve the use
>>>>>>>>> of Iceberg and the ASF VP M&P should be notified. I can help on the
>>>>>>>>> paperwork and process again.
>>>>>>>>> - the PMC will appoint two committees (at least selection and
>>>>>>>>> sponsoring committees)
>>>>>>>>> Thoughts ?
>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>> JB

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