
Meeting in person is always the best, but online is much more inclusive.
So +1 for a hybrid event.


On Mon, 30 Sept 2024 at 08:27, Eduard Tudenhöfner <etudenhoef...@apache.org>

> +1 for a hybrid event
> On Sun, Sep 29, 2024 at 4:51 AM Steven Wu <stevenz...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> +1 for hybrid with in-person elements.
>> On Sat, Sep 28, 2024 at 4:23 PM Matt Topol <zotthewiz...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> +1 from me as well, I would love to attend an in person/hybrid iceberg
>>> summit. Workshops seem like a perfect way to help the community.
>>> On Sat, Sep 28, 2024, 7:11 PM Honah J. <hon...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>> +1 on hosting another Iceberg Summit in 2025! We had many great talks
>>>> last time, and I think it will be even better if we can have a hybrid mode
>>>> this time, as the in-person element can add value for deeper engagement and
>>>> networking.
>>>> I’m particularly interested in incorporating workshops. We could offer
>>>> them at different levels—introductory, intermediate, and advanced—so
>>>> participants can attend sessions that best fit their background and
>>>> interests. Covering topics like basic usage, ecosystem integrations,
>>>> advanced features, and different language implementations would help
>>>> participants explore various aspects of the Iceberg project in a hands-on
>>>> way.
>>>> Looking forward to more ideas from the community and happy to help
>>>> where needed!
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Honah
>>>> On Fri, Sep 27, 2024 at 11:02 AM Russell Spitzer <
>>>> russell.spit...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I am really excited about the prospect of another Summit and also had
>>>>> a great time last year. I think we had a great selection of talks and I'm
>>>>> hoping we can do so again.
>>>>> I'm very much in support of having an in person element, I would love
>>>>> to have a chance to talk face to face with other members of the community.
>>>>> I do think we should
>>>>> preserve online viewing as well since I know not everyone has the
>>>>> ability to travel.
>>>>> I do hope that we can have more talks about users with Iceberg in
>>>>> production as well. I think we did a really good job of covering Iceberg
>>>>> development last time but didn't
>>>>> have as many practitioner discussions as I would have liked. I also
>>>>> think it would be great if we had a section that was purely just "ideas 
>>>>> for
>>>>> Iceberg" where folks can pitch
>>>>> their features and proposals to a much broader audience.
>>>>> I also would love to have some workshops this time as well,
>>>>> showing folks how to use the project, how to make their first tables, and
>>>>> how to contribute to the Iceberg project.
>>>>> Things I'd like to avoid: Sales pitches, Talks not focused on Iceberg
>>>>> or its ecosystem (Personally I don't really want to hear anything about AI
>>>>> or LLMS but I know that might not be everyone). Ideally I would like this
>>>>> to be a vendor neutral event where planning is as transparent as possible
>>>>> for the community.
>>>>> I'd love to hear what other folks are thinking,
>>>>> Russ
>>>>> On Fri, Sep 27, 2024 at 12:51 PM Jean-Baptiste Onofré <j...@nanthrax.net>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi folks,
>>>>>> Last year in June we started to discuss the first edition of the
>>>>>> Iceberg Summit (
>>>>>> https://lists.apache.org/thread/cbgx1jlc9ywn618yod2487g498lgrkt3).
>>>>>> The Iceberg Summit was in May 2024, and it was clearly a great
>>>>>> community event, with a lot of nice talks.
>>>>>> This first edition was fully virtual.
>>>>>> I think it would be great to have Iceberg Summit 2025, community
>>>>>> event, but maybe this time a hybrid event.
>>>>>> Also, regarding the number of talks received by the selection
>>>>>> committee for Iceberg Summit 2024, I would suggest (for the future
>>>>>> Selection Committee) to have new talk tracks (like user stories,
>>>>>> practitioners, ...).
>>>>>> The process would be similar of Iceberg Summit 2024:
>>>>>> - first the community discuss here about the idea, kind of event
>>>>>> (virtual, in person, hybrid), ...
>>>>>>    * should we have another event ?
>>>>>>    * would you like there to be an in-person event ?
>>>>>>    * what kind of talks would you like to hear at such an event ?
>>>>>>    * what kind of talks would you not like to hear at such an event ?
>>>>>> - if there's no objections, the Iceberg PMC should approve the use of
>>>>>> Iceberg and the ASF VP M&P should be notified. I can help on the 
>>>>>> paperwork
>>>>>> and process again.
>>>>>> - the PMC will appoint two committees (at least selection and
>>>>>> sponsoring committees)
>>>>>> Thoughts ?
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> JB

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