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[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36847) Table API toDataStream() cannot be converted to an enum type field
LuJiang (Jira)
slack invite link expired
chris snow
[DISCUSS] FLIP-488: Expose Async State Processing and New State APIs in Datastream(V1) APIs
Zakelly Lan
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-488: Expose Async State Processing and New State APIs in Datastream(V1) APIs
Gyula Fóra
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-488: Expose Async State Processing and New State APIs in Datastream(V1) APIs
Zakelly Lan
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-488: Expose Async State Processing and New State APIs in Datastream(V1) APIs
Yunfeng Zhou
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-488: Expose Async State Processing and New State APIs in Datastream(V1) APIs
Zakelly Lan
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-488: Expose Async State Processing and New State APIs in Datastream(V1) APIs
Yanfei Lei
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-488: Expose Async State Processing and New State APIs in Datastream(V1) APIs
Zakelly Lan
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-488: Expose Async State Processing and New State APIs in Datastream(V1) APIs
Zakelly Lan
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36846) Composer support add custom Operator after Source
JunboWang (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36845) SourceTestSuiteBase/SinkTestSuiteBase will fail with `this operator belongs to is not initialized` error
Yanquan Lv (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36844) Postgres CDC document add mapping from postgres timestamp_tz to flink timestamp ltz
Hongshun Wang (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36843) Remove deprecated method in flink-table-planner
Yanquan Lv (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36842) FlinkPipelineComposer allows injecting StreamExecutionEnvironment
Max Feng (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36841) Incorrect error message for CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
Gustavo de Morais (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36840) Multiple time-related built-in functions cannot be called
Gustavo de Morais (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36839) Update Kudu version to 1.17.1
Ferenc Csaky (Jira)
[ANNOUNCE] Apache flink-connector-hbase 4.0.0 released
Ferenc Csaky
Re: [External] (flink-connector-kafka) branch main updated: [FLINK-36780] Kafka source disable partition discovery unexpectedly (#136)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36838) [state] Join background threads when ForSt state backend quit
Zakelly Lan (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36837) Introduce new RowTimeDeduplicateFunction with Async State API
xuyang (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36836) Autoscaler Supports config the upper and lower limits of target utilization.
yuanfenghu (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36835) Memory lease in flink-s3-fs module due to hadoop aws version 3.x
JinxinTang (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36834) Custom data distribution key
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36833) In the case of database sharding, the target table is created with the primary key plus the sharding key.
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36832) Remove deprecated class in flink-connector-kafka
Yanquan Lv (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36831) Introduce AppendOnlyTopNFunction in Rank with Async State API
xuyang (Jira)
Flink Kafka Connector updates
Tom Cooper
Community Health Initiative (CHI) workgroup wiki content
David Radley
Re: Community Health Initiative (CHI) workgroup wiki content
Jim Hughes
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36830) Overried json-path version used by Calcite Bridge
Thomas Cooper (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36829) Add better validation of pipeline config
Robin Moffatt (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36828) Implement example for customers to perform KPL Deaggregation
Hong Liang Teoh (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36827) [Docs] Tidy up Flink CDC Doris/MySQL quickstart page
Robin Moffatt (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36826) Default configurations fail all to start Flink java 17 images
Fabian Paul (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36825) Introduce FastTop1Function in Rank with Async State API
xuyang (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36824) Backport from Calcite 1.37.0 support table function calls in FROM clause without TABLE() wrapper
Sergey Nuyanzin (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36823) Drain state requests after the user function perform snapshotState
Zakelly Lan (Jira)
[QUESTION] Several unreleased 1.20.x and and 1.19.x versions in jira
Sergey Nuyanzin
Re: [QUESTION] Several unreleased 1.20.x and and 1.19.x versions in jira
Matthias Pohl
Re: [QUESTION] Several unreleased 1.20.x and and 1.19.x versions in jira
Sergey Nuyanzin
Re: [QUESTION] Several unreleased 1.20.x and and 1.19.x versions in jira
Alexander Fedulov
Re: [QUESTION] Several unreleased 1.20.x and and 1.19.x versions in jira
Matthias Pohl
Re: [QUESTION] Several unreleased 1.20.x and and 1.19.x versions in jira
Alexander Fedulov
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36822) Enable spotless for java 21
Sergey Nuyanzin (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36821) Upgrade Kafka Client version to 3.9.0
Thomas Cooper (Jira)
Access to Slack
Lauri Mäkinen
Access to Slack
Ruben Tsirunyan
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36820) SourceCoordinator#addSplitsBack() should not be called on full failover
Hong Liang Teoh (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36819) [state/forst] Support link() in ForStFlinkFileSystem
Yanfei Lei (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36818) Securing credentials in SQL connectors
Kunal Rohitas (Jira)
RE: [jira] [Created] (FLINK-28897) Fail to use udf in added jar when enabling checkpoint
Ammu P
Re: [jira] [Created] (FLINK-28897) Fail to use udf in added jar when enabling checkpoint
Ammu P
[DISCUSS] FLINK-36817 Feedback
Levani Kokhreidze
Re: [DISCUSS] FLINK-36817 Feedback
Levani Kokhreidze
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36817) Give users ability to provide their own KafkaConsumer when using flink-connector-kafka
Levani Kokhreidze (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36816) Support source parallelism setting for JDBC connector
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36815) series bugs of DSv2
xuhuang (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36814) Flink CDC Support Mutil Datasource
melin (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36813) MySQLCDC supports synchronization of specified fields
Di Wu (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36812) The flink jdbc connector's 'scan.partition.column' supports the varchar field type.
ouyangwulin (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36811) MySQL CDC
Xuannan Su (Jira)
Upsert to Kafka with flink SQL
Emil Hjelle (ekstern)
Re: Upsert to Kafka with flink SQL
Emil Hjelle (ekstern)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36810) Reflective access warning not addressed causing Flink failing to process job creation
Yusu Gao (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36809) Add ifNotExists param to createTable
Gustavo de Morais (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36808) UNION ALL after lookup join produces unexpected results
Qingsheng Ren (Jira)
Re: Blue/Green Deployments support for Flink
Danny Cranmer
Re: Blue/Green Deployments support for Flink
Sergio Chong Loo
Re: Blue/Green Deployments support for Flink
Sergio Chong Loo
Re: Blue/Green Deployments support for Flink
Maximilian Michels
RE: Blue/Green Deployments support for Flink
David Radley
Re: Blue/Green Deployments support for Flink
Alexander Fedulov
Re: Blue/Green Deployments support for Flink
Sergio Chong Loo
Re: Blue/Green Deployments support for Flink
Alex Nitavsky
Re: Blue/Green Deployments support for Flink
Alex Nitavsky
Re: Blue/Green Deployments support for Flink
Yang LI
Re: Blue/Green Deployments support for Flink
Alexander Fedulov
Re: Blue/Green Deployments support for Flink
Alex Nitavsky
Re: Blue/Green Deployments support for Flink
Sergio Chong Loo
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36807) Add coverage for pre-writer and pre-commit topologies for SinkV2
Arvid Heise (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36806) Support for synchronization between timestamp fields with and without time zones to avoid time offsets
zjjiang (Jira)
[ANNOUNCE] Apache Flink CDC 3.2.1 released
Hang Ruan
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36805) Add support for using encrypted passwords in pipeline definitions
zjjiang (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36804) When the same number of characters in Chinese names exists, initiate error reporting.
hzk (Jira)
[RESULT][VOTE] Apache Flink CDC Release 3.2.1, release candidate #1
Hang Ruan
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36803) Use fixed format for splitId in all connectors
Ruan Hang (Jira)
[ANNOUNCE] Apache flink-connector-kafka 3.4.0 released
Arvid Heise
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36802) Add CompiledPlan annotations to BatchExecSortMergeJoin
Jim Hughes (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36801) Update CI image to Ubuntu 22.04
Mehdi (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36800) Upgrade hadoop-aws to avoid CVE-2019-14887
Fabian Paul (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36799) iceberg sink支持pipeline配置方式的connector
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36798) Improve data processing speed during the phase from snapshot to incremental phase
Yanquan Lv (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36797) hudi sink支持pipeline配置方式的connector
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36796) oracle cdc支持pipeline配置方式的connector
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36795) postgres cdc支持pipeline配置方式的connector
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36794) mysql cdc和postgres cdc对于分表分库场景的支持
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36793) oracle cdc的增量快照的块分割器逻辑有问题导致分割的片过大的问题
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36792) FlinkJoinPushExpressionsRule can be removed because high version calcite has fixed
Jacky Lau (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36791) FlinkPruneEmptyRules can be removed because high version calcite has fixed
Jacky Lau (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36790) Flink CDC to Paimon: DeletionVectorsMaintainer CME problem
Rascal Wu (Jira)
[RESULT][VOTE] flink-connector-kafka 3.4.0, release candidate #1
Arvid Heise
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36789) Update FunctionHint and ArgumentHint with StaticArguments
Timo Walther (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36788) Add coverage for GlobalCommitter for SinkV2
Arvid Heise (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36787) Flink SQL mode kafka join jdbc Dimension Table Yarn node OOM
zhengyuan (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36786) Memory leak in SplitFetcherManager#close
Zhen Wang (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36785) Improve Starrocks unsupported field error return value
hunter (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36784) Support to add metadata columns for data in the meta fields of DataChangeEvent at transform
Ruan Hang (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36783) CTAS from VALUES throws ValidatioonException
Yunfeng Zhou (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36782) Incorrect comment syntax
altenchen (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36781) Flink SQL REPL Remote Gateway lag
k walton (Jira)
[RESULT][VOTE] Release flink-connector-hbase v4.0.0, release candidate #1
Ferenc Csaky
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36780) Kafka source disable partition discovery unexpectedly
Mingliang Liu (Jira)
[Discussion] Session Clusters Support Heterogeneous Task Manager Images
Ryan van Huuksloot
Re: [Discussion] Session Clusters Support Heterogeneous Task Manager Images
Shengkai Fang
Re: [Discussion] Session Clusters Support Heterogeneous Task Manager Images
Ryan van Huuksloot
Re: [Discussion] Session Clusters Support Heterogeneous Task Manager Images
Shengkai Fang
Re: [Discussion] Session Clusters Support Heterogeneous Task Manager Images
Ryan van Huuksloot
Re: [Discussion] Session Clusters Support Heterogeneous Task Manager Images
Shengkai Fang
Re: [Discussion] Session Clusters Support Heterogeneous Task Manager Images
Dian Fu
Re: [Discussion] Session Clusters Support Heterogeneous Task Manager Images
Ryan van Huuksloot
[DISCUSS] Flink 1.20.1 release
Alexander Fedulov
Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.20.1 release
Rui Fan
Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.20.1 release
Ferenc Csaky
Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.20.1 release
Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.20.1 release
weijie guo
Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.20.1 release
Zakelly Lan
Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.20.1 release
Roman Khachatryan
Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.20.1 release
Tom Cooper
Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.20.1 release
Yuepeng Pan
RE: Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.20.1 release
Ammu P
RE: Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.20.1 release
David Radley
Re: Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.20.1 release
Re: Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.20.1 release
Alexander Fedulov
Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.20.1 release
Ammu P
RE: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.20.1 release
Piotr Przybylski
Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.20.1 release
Alexander Fedulov
Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.20.1 release
Piotr Przybylski
[DISCUSS] Flink 1.19.2 release
Alexander Fedulov
Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.19.2 release
Rui Fan
Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.19.2 release
Ferenc Csaky
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36779) topn.cache.size metric is incorrect and non-changing during the time
Roman Boyko (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36778) The default implementation
shaohui hong (Jira)
[DISCUSS] FLIP-487: Show history of rescales in Web UI for AdaptiveScheduler
Yuepeng Pan
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-487: Show history of rescales in Web UI for AdaptiveScheduler
yuanfeng hu
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-487: Show history of rescales in Web UI for AdaptiveScheduler
Matthias Pohl
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-487: Show history of rescales in Web UI for AdaptiveScheduler
Yuepeng Pan
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-487: Show history of rescales in Web UI for AdaptiveScheduler
Rui Fan
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-487: Show history of rescales in Web UI for AdaptiveScheduler
Rui Fan
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-487: Show history of rescales in Web UI for AdaptiveScheduler
Yuepeng Pan
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-487: Show history of rescales in Web UI for AdaptiveScheduler
Eric Xiao
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-487: Show history of rescales in Web UI for AdaptiveScheduler
Yuepeng Pan
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-487: Show history of rescales in Web UI for AdaptiveScheduler
Peter Huang
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-487: Show history of rescales in Web UI for AdaptiveScheduler
Yuepeng Pan
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-487: Show history of rescales in Web UI for AdaptiveScheduler
Yuepeng Pan
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-487: Show history of rescales in Web UI for AdaptiveScheduler
Yuepeng Pan
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36777) The implementation of getting chunk key column in is weired
shaohui hong (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36776) OracleIncrementalSource does not support partitioned table
shaohui hong (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36775) fetchSize set in OracleIncrementalSource is not working
shaohui hong (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36774) SQL gateway should support executing multiple SQL statements once
tim yu (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36773) Introduce new Group Agg Operator with Async State API
xuyang (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36772) Fix Preconditions errorMessageTemplate is error
Xin Gong (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36771) Flink cdc UT trigger error: Invalid assigner status {} [NEWLY_ADDED_ASSIGNING_FINISHED]
Xin Gong (Jira)
Plans for JDBC connector for 1.20?
David Radley
FW: Plans for JDBC connector for 1.20?
David Radley
Re: Plans for JDBC connector for 1.20?
Yanquan Lv
RE: Plans for JDBC connector for 1.20?
David Radley
Re: Plans for JDBC connector for 1.20?
Hang Ruan
Re: Plans for JDBC connector for 1.20?
Peter Huang
RE: Plans for JDBC connector for 1.20?
David Radley
Re: Plans for JDBC connector for 1.20?
Hang Ruan
Re: Plans for JDBC connector for 1.20?
Xingcan Cui
RE: Plans for JDBC connector for 1.20?
David Radley
Re: Plans for JDBC connector for 1.20?
Yanquan Lv
RE: Re: Plans for JDBC connector for 1.20?
Jérôme Gagnon
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36770) Support Request Timeout for AWS sinks
Ahmed Hamdy (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36769) Suport fury Serializer for pyflink
xingyuan cheng (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36768) Empty Checkpoint Directory created when older checkpoint fails due to timeout and the checkpoint interval is same
Eaugene Thomas (Jira)
回复: [jira] [Created] (FLINK-36768) Empty Checkpoint Directory created when older checkpoint fails due to timeout and the checkpoint interval is same
Xia Rui
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36766) Use pyflink to create remote env
William Que (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36767) Bump cyclonedx-maven-plugin from 2.7.9 to 2.9.0
Siddharth R (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36765) How to Handle Multi-Type Maps in Avro Schema with Flink Table API?
Maneendra (Jira)
[VOTE] Apache Flink CDC Release 3.2.1, release candidate #1
Hang Ruan
Re: [VOTE] Apache Flink CDC Release 3.2.1, release candidate #1
Hang Ruan
Re: [VOTE] Apache Flink CDC Release 3.2.1, release candidate #1
Yanquan Lv
Re: [VOTE] Apache Flink CDC Release 3.2.1, release candidate #1
Leonard Xu
Re: [VOTE] Apache Flink CDC Release 3.2.1, release candidate #1
Lincoln Lee
Re: [VOTE] Apache Flink CDC Release 3.2.1, release candidate #1
Xingbo Huang
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36764) Add checkpoint type to checkpoint trace
Piotr Nowojski (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36761) Add document about how to deploy script with SQL Client and SQL Gateway
Shengkai Fang (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36763) Support schema inference and evolution with single-table-mutliple-partition sources
yux (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36756) Bump up the sql-gateway rest api version
Shengkai Fang (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36757) Introduce splitter to split scripts
Shengkai Fang (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36760) Support to deploy script via sql client
Shengkai Fang (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36762) Add E2ECase to run sql client in application mode
Shengkai Fang (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36759) Intrdouce REST API to deploy script
Shengkai Fang (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36758) Introduce driver to load the application in application mode
Shengkai Fang (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36755) Relax the limit about the pipeline.jar must have one in application mode
Shengkai Fang (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36754) When projection is empty or null, it is treated as an asterisk
MOBIN (Jira)
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