Arnon Warshavsky <> writes:

> Thanks Aaron 
> Previously, it wasn't possible for mem_cfg_fd to be reused after a
>  failure.  Now it is - please reset it to -1. in these close conditions.
> Will do. 
>  Again, previously this would have aborted on a failure.  So it needs to
>  be reset to a value that allows retry.
> Same here
>  >       switch (rte_config.process_type){
>  >       case RTE_PROC_PRIMARY:
>  > -             rte_eal_config_create();
>  > +             if (rte_eal_config_create())
>  > +                     return -1;
>  >               break;
>  >       case RTE_PROC_SECONDARY:
>  > -             rte_eal_config_attach();
>  > +             if (rte_eal_config_attach())
>  > +                     return -1;
>  >               rte_eal_mcfg_wait_complete(rte_config.mem_config);
>  >               break;
>  >       case RTE_PROC_AUTO:
>  >       case RTE_PROC_INVALID:
>  Not for this patch, but I just noticed that this should probably use a
>  'default' case.
> Will add this while Im here
>  Use rte_eal_init_alert to indicate why you are failing the init.
> Will do 
>  >       if (rte_mp_channel_init() < 0) {
>  >               rte_eal_init_alert("failed to init mp channel\n");
>  > @@ -652,7 +676,8 @@ static void rte_eal_init_alert(const char *msg)
>  >  
>  >       eal_check_mem_on_local_socket();
>  >  
>  > -     eal_thread_init_master(rte_config.master_lcore);
>  > +     if (eal_thread_init_master(rte_config.master_lcore) != 0)
>  > +             return -1;
>  Is it ever possible to recover from this?
> Definitely not recoverable, but not different than the other cases where 
> panic propagate all the way
> up rather than aborting

Looking at the eal_thread_init_master, I think it's probably a
recoverable condition.  For instance, perhaps the core mask was wrong,
and could be corrected by re-attempting the initialization.  Just
suggesting that it's probably okay to allow a re-attempt here.  I would

-       eal_thread_init_master(rte_config.master_lcore);
+       if (eal_thread_init_master(rte_config.master_lcore) != 0) {
+               rte_eal_init_alert("Cannot assign master lcore\n");
+               rte_errno = EINVAL;
+               return -1;
+       }

if you agree.

>  Still needs
>  rte_eal_init_alert() call.
> Will do 
>  How are you cleaning up the threads that were spawned?  Lets say this
>  loop will execute 5 times, and on the 3rd entry, these errors happen.
>  You now leave DPDK 'half-initialized' - you've spun up threads and
>  allocated memory.
> ... 
>  I don't see how any of this is better for the user.  In fact, I think
>  this is worse because it will make portions of the application stop
>  working without any way to move forward.  rte_panic() will at least give
>  the process a chance to recover from a potentially ephemeral condition.
> As I wrote in a different reply on this patch
> I was probably too eager to get rid of this panic taking some wrong 
> assumptions on the way the
> library will be called.

Okay - guess emails got crossed in flight :)

> Removing the panic from the thread is obviously more complex and also ABI 
> breaking.
> From my own bw, I will not make it with a proper change to this version, so I 
> will revert back to
> panicing on this patchset 
> and aim for the thread in the next build.

I see.  Most likely you'll need a proper initialization protocol both
ways.  As a brief example, you'll need something to guarantee the thread
state (just a general outline):

  global_initial_state = UNINIT
  pthread_init_cond = PTHREAD_COND_INIT;
  global_spawned_ctr = atomic_ctr(0);

  global_initial_state = INITIALIZING
  thread_ctr = 0;

    if (spawn_fails)
       global_initial_state = UNINIT;
       return error


  while (thread_ctr != global_spawned_ctr)
     /* wait?  figure out when to declare extreme failure */

  global_initial_state = THREAD_INITIALIZED

  while (thread_ctr)
      thread_state = lcore_state[thr]; /* probably needs a mem barrier*/
      if (thread_state != THREAD_READY && thread_state != THREAD_STARTING)
         /* failure - message all threads to clean up */
      if (thread_state == THREAD_READY)

in eal_thread_loop():

  /* before even the set_affinity */
  lcore_state[thr] = THREAD_STARTING;

  if (global_initial_state != THREAD_INITIALIZED)
    lcore_state[thr] = THREAD_FAILED;

  /* do all the normal checks... instead of the panic_state, just set
     lcore_state[thr] to THREAD_FAILED, clean up any additional
     allocated resources, and return... which will exit the thread */

  lcore_state[thr] = THREAD_READY;


In the above I hope it illustrates what you'll need - a way to signal to
each side that initialization phase is happening, and that
initialization was successful / failed, and to clean up in the failure

Just meant for illustration so feel free to ignore / flame, but that's
how I would go about removing the rte_panic() calls.

>  This seems to only exist as a way of triggering the run_once check in
>  the eal_init.  It doesn't add anything except one more state variable to
>  check against.  What is the purpose?
> Actually this is not a run-once in purpose, rather an attempt to define a 
> state for the device 
> and on the way work around breaking abi on the the void function called 
> before that.

I think it's a way to try and track state for initialization and to
prevent future inits.  Which ABI are you worried about?  rte_panic()?
I'm not sure how this is an ABI work around, but I'm probably not
thinking about it hard enough.

>> +     if (rte_get_panic_state())
>> +             return -1;
>> +
>  Please just use run_once.  That's a better way of preventing this.
>  As stated above - no a run-once
>  All of the comments from the bsd side apply here.

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