Le 15/11/2024 à 17:08, Gary D. Gregory a écrit :
FYI: The revert has now been implemented with the exception of keeping the 
change from Commons Codec Base64 to Java 8 Base68.

Hi Gary,

I don't understand your stubbornness on this subject, Commons Compress had zero dependencies for over 10 years, the general sentiment from the recent discussions seems to point toward avoiding such a dependency bloat, your change was never discussed on the list, it broke Commons Compress (COMPRESS-666 [1], with a highly ironic bug number), and the project was even forked due to this issue.

I highly appreciate your dedication to maintain the Apache Commons projects, but you've made an error here. It happens, that's not a big deal, but please listen to the community.

Would you accept to resolve this with a vote?

Emmanuel Bourg

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COMPRESS-666

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