If you modularize, then put pack200 in a module... the reason it's there is
because some apps broke when Java removed the functionality.


On Mon, Nov 4, 2024, 10:26 AM Piotr P. Karwasz <pi...@mailing.copernik.eu>

> Hi Emmanuel,
> On 4.11.2024 09:27, Emmanuel Bourg wrote:
> > Le 02/11/2024 à 13:19, Gilles Sadowski a écrit :
> >
> >> My question was and still is:  Can modularization help?
> >
> > Modularization is very much needed for Commons Compress, I think we
> > should at least split the compression part from the archive part, and
> > then further split by file format (commons-compression-* and
> > commons-archive-*).
> >
> > This would greatly improve the situation with the optional
> > dependencies. Let's say I want to extract xz files, I would simply
> > declare a dependency on commons-compression-xz in my pom.xml, which
> > would pull the org.tukaani:xz dependency transitively, instead of
> > having to declare two dependencies on commons-compress and
> > org.tukaani:xz.
> Totally agree. Modularization can also help keeping track of which
> library actually uses a dependency. Having a direct runtime dependency
> on `commons-compression-xz` is much more expressive that having a direct
> runtime dependency on `org.tukaani:xz`: you directly know which project
> is responsible of adding `xz` to your application dependency stack.
> > Unfortunately modularization will hardly help with the dependencies on
> > commons-codec, commons-lang and commons-io, because as of
> > commons-compress 1.26 they are used almost everywhere in the code.
> > Only commons-codec is restricted to a couple of formats (LZ4 and
> > Snappy), but commons-io is now part of the core *public* API [1],
> > which is really bad because we can no longer remove the dependency
> > without breaking the binary compatibility (and I think we should do it
> > as soon as possible before this new public method gets widely used).
> As it was already suggested in a previous discussion[1], modularization
> of Commons Compress requires a new major version anyway: to make a
> _slim_ version of `commons-compress`, we need to change the package name
> and artifact name.
> If we decide to modularize, I can make some initial work in a branch.
> Since Commons Compress is a well designed library, it probably only needs:
> 1. To drop big dependencies that are not used a lot. We can shade a
> couple of `commons-lang` and `commons-io` classes to profit from code
> reuse.
> 2. To drop some old compression formats: Pack200 constitutes some 50% of
> the library and is barely used (or usable).
> 3. To extend the `CompressorStreamFactory` interface to have a generic
> mechanism to pass compression options (compression level, etc.) to the
> `CompressorStreamFactory` implementations.
> 4. To be split into modules.
> Piotr
> [1] https://lists.apache.org/thread/pdpplp6lvov6prd6tmhmrd13nzcz5zdq
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