> On 18 Dec 2016, at 06:55, Gary Gregory <garydgreg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I thought we were talking about deprecating any random code in favor of
> Commons RNG?
> Gary

I guess that depends on the scope of RNG. Our previous conversation about 
RandomUtils made sense (LANG-1299), since that was about the functionality 
offered by the generator itself.

If RNG will become a repository of things you could do with a random generator, 
rather than just implementations of the generators, then I agree with your 
suggestion. If not, then I could imagine this random string generation staying 
in Lang or perhaps moving to Text.


> On Dec 17, 2016 10:39 PM, "Duncan Jones" <dun...@wortharead.com> wrote:
>> On reflection, a bad choice of subject line. The other methods are
>> Unicode-capable, but just very rooted in thinking about char data types.
>>> On 18 Dec 2016, at 06:38, Duncan Jones <dun...@wortharead.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I’ve created a variation of RandomStringUtils.random(), which generates
>> the specified number of code points (rather than chars).
>>> Implementation can be seen here (https://gist.github.com/dmjones500/
>> da2f61a0234f428748417bf1443c0dff).
>>> Signature is:
>>> public static String randomUnicode(final int count, final int
>> minCodePoint, final int maxCodePoint,
>>>           final Set<CodePointPredicate> include, final Random random)
>>> Expected overloads:
>>> public static String randomUnicode(final int count, final int
>> minCodePoint, final int maxCodePoint, final Set<CodePointPredicate> include)
>>> public static String randomUnicode(final int count, final int
>> minCodePoint, final int maxCodePoint)
>>> public static String randomUnicode(final int count)
>>> And possibly:
>>> public static String randomNumberUnicode(final int count)
>>> public static String randomAlphabeticUnicode(final int count)
>>> public static String randomAlphanumericUnicode(final int count)
>>> Any complaints if I add this to the code base? I’ve possibly
>> overcomplicated the predicate stuff, however it seemed the most flexible
>> way to specify requirements on the letters. I’ve created two built-in
>> predicates, but more could be supported (and users can create their own).
>>> Duncan
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