Am 18.12.2016 um 07:38 schrieb Duncan Jones:
Hi all,

I’ve created a variation of RandomStringUtils.random(), which generates the 
specified number of code points (rather than chars).

Implementation can be seen here 

Signature is:

   public static String randomUnicode(final int count, final int minCodePoint, 
final int maxCodePoint,
             final Set<CodePointPredicate> include, final Random random)

Expected overloads:

   public static String randomUnicode(final int count, final int minCodePoint, final 
int maxCodePoint, final Set<CodePointPredicate> include)
   public static String randomUnicode(final int count, final int minCodePoint, 
final int maxCodePoint)
   public static String randomUnicode(final int count)

And possibly:

   public static String randomNumberUnicode(final int count)
   public static String randomAlphabeticUnicode(final int count)
   public static String randomAlphanumericUnicode(final int count)
+1 to adding these overloads

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