> As I see it, the Apache Commons has one partcular way of working.  Every
> Apache project has its own unique ways of working within the Apache way.

>From my ASF experience (and that's shockingly 12+ years now) the
"implementation" of Apache way is not that very different across
projects. It varies - but not that much. Especially in the culture. At
least it doesn't feel like Commons is "the odd one out" here just
because the code bases of the components have little technical overlap
or connection. Granted - the sandbox and the recent access rights
change is uncommon. But I think so far we managed well not to become
the next Jakarta.

> I think we are also touching on scaling Apache Commons - some the issues are
> a reflected in scaling the incubator.
> Torsten -- interesting that graduation could be to "commons" - has that
> happened before?

Yes, I remember at least once:



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