On 20/01/15 14:08, Mark Thomas wrote:
On 20/01/2015 13:07, Andy Seaborne wrote:
On 20/01/15 08:49, Mark Thomas wrote:
At this point it looks to me like the incubator would be a much better
destination, particularly given the general impression I get of the RDF
community not really understanding how the ASF works.
I am disappointed by that comment. There are several ASF projects in
the RDF space. They have been through the incubator. Please do talk to
those projects if you have concerns.
My comment was overly broad. I apologise.
Thank you.
My concerns regarding understanding how the ASF works is limited to the
sub-set of the RDF community that is currently suggesting the creation
of the Apache Commons RDF component. If that subset overlaps with
existing Apache projects then there might be a concern but that would
depend on how big the overlap is (I haven't looked).
As I see it, the Apache Commons has one partcular way of working. Every
Apache project has its own unique ways of working within the Apache way.
The talking at cross-purposes is that I look from the POV of the
commons-rdf community (as I see it) and you from Apache Commons starting
So what we are exploring is what the implications of that are for the
commons-rdf community and hence whether it is the best for that
community. I think we are also touching on scaling Apache Commons -
some the issues are a reflected in scaling the incubator.
Torsten -- interesting that graduation could be to "commons" - has that
happened before?
I would like to see Apache Commons consider naming matters and
trademark-like issues. Stamping "RDF" across everything would not fly
as a TLP name because of external use and, even if in the letter it is
possible here, I see it as not in the spirit of avoiding confusion for
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