On 20/01/2015 13:07, Andy Seaborne wrote:
> On 20/01/15 08:49, Mark Thomas wrote:
>> At this point it looks to me like the incubator would be a much better
>> destination, particularly given the general impression I get of the RDF
>> community not really understanding how the ASF works.
> I am disappointed by that comment.  There are several ASF projects in
> the RDF space.  They have been through the incubator.  Please do talk to
> those projects if you have concerns.

My comment was overly broad. I apologise.

My concerns regarding understanding how the ASF works is limited to the
sub-set of the RDF community that is currently suggesting the creation
of the Apache Commons RDF component. If that subset overlaps with
existing Apache projects then there might be a concern but that would
depend on how big the overlap is (I haven't looked).


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