Hi Peter,

Peter Ansell wrote:

> On 20 January 2015 at 05:44, Jörg Schaible <joerg.schai...@gmx.de> wrote:


>> Yes, the shared resources are part of the Apache Commons community. It
>> was especially built to increase the responsibility of all committers for
>> all components. Jakarta had a long history of died subprojects, because
>> nobody even recognized the death of it. Vfs as separate project would
>> have been in the attic long ago. Not in commons because there are always
>> some people who care enough at least to maintain it. And suddenly such a
>> component can gather new activity.
>> What do you expect from a rdf component implementing the API only? You
>> will see for the first weeks some increased activity and then it
>> decreases. And that's obviously a good thing for a component that offers
>> only a stable contract. The devs will concentrate on their individual
>> implementation in the long run.
> Some initial discussion has been done on GitHub already but the rest
> will be drawn out slightly by the implementation stages which will be
> outside of commons.
> The two reasons that I recall for bringing the issue up are that
> contributors who want to follow the progress of the discussion but not
> contribute don't want to commit to filtering messages and going
> through the unsubscribe/subscribe process if they want to leave the
> discussion temporarily (yes, if you know how its quite easy but its a
> big deal for some),

Sorry, but that sounds to me a bit like "Wash me, but do not make me wet!"

> and the other reason was that we don't want to
> push our traffic onto everyone who isn't familiar with RDF and isn't
> interested in the fine technical aspects of finalising the API.

And how should then the other ~200 potential committers of Commons (like me) 
get interested and drawn in? Or take care, that a release fulfills the 
Apache requirements?

> There
> are some general computing issues to deal with as always, particularly
> given that Java-8 is so new and patterns haven't been widely
> understood yet, but the vast majority will be wrangling an API to sit
> on top of our respective codebases and provide interoperability. The
> only way we have found to do that so far has been to use the W3C
> RDF-1.1 specification as the arbiter, which should be okay, but there
> is a lot of back and forth discussion about it on fine grained issues.
> The tendency so far has been, since some of us are not paid
> specifically to work on the relevant code, that once pull requests are
> suggested, the discussion gets going for a few days and then falls
> off. And eventually, once the API is stable it will fall off
> altogether to almost zero. That last reason is the main reason for why
> a TLP will not suit us, as TLP are encouraged to stay active and
> develop new features for their libraries or get shutdown.

OK, but this implies that one of those 200 Commons committers above is 
interested enough to create a maintenance release nevertheless in case of a 
problem. Or can you be absolutely sure, that you're still around in - let's 
say 5 years? The community will.

> It is also
> why commons would be useful to us, but we are a little worried about
> having to have users subscribe to a high-traffic mailing list to
> discuss the API.

It's about joining a (caring) community. And this is different to Github.



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