On 1/19/15 11:21 AM, Gilles wrote:
> On Mon, 19 Jan 2015 18:53:35 +0100, Torsten Curdt wrote:
>>> Words without semantics...
>> ...and it's still the term we are using:
>> http://commons.apache.org/components.html
> You miss my point(s): It's totally clear what a component is,
> as defined by "Commons". The issue is how it relates to the
> "Commons project" management.
> Öne point is that the "Commons project" releases _independent_
> components (cf. the other post); there is no relationship
> whatsoever between the components.

They are all part of the *one* project that is Apache Commons.
> The principal usefulness of "Commons" is that it can be a home
> to "little" programming projects.
> But with it comes a slew of unnecessary hindrance, as felt by
> some people.
> It's just a pity that the only answer is "go TLP"...

The key point to keep in mind is the primary reason that we don't
allow umbrella projects at the ASF - insufficient oversight.  The
ASF expects PMCs to provide active oversight of their project code
and communities.  That means direct line-of-sight, active monitoring
by PMC members of what is going on in the project - no delegation /
abdication of oversight responsibility.  This means that Commons
*must* remain one project with one PMC, or be broken up into
separate projects governed by separate PMCs.  Note that that also
means that PMC members are expected to provide oversight to the
whole project, not just whatever components they happen to be
committing to at a given time.

Commons "works" because the community is willing to work together
rather than "independently."  Most components would not be able to
sustain a "rule of 3" - sized community, but together we are able to
develop, review and crank lots of releases.  Commons was never
intended to be a GitHub replacement for micro-communities around
individual components.  That kind of thing does not work at the ASF.

> Gilles
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