On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 9:39 AM, Woonsan Ko <woon_...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Yeah, that's great!
> State machine is a generic and simplistic concept which can be applied 
> anywhere.
> In our case (Hippo), we want to leverage SCXML library as a core Document 
> Processing Engine. By exposing state machines in XML with ability to add 
> custom actions and other declarative configurations, we believe it can 
> increase customizability and flexibility in our product a lot.
> I worked at a BPM company for several years in the past, so I'm very familiar 
> with process/workflow management as well, in both state machine based 
> approach or activity-flow based approach. State machine based approach should 
> fit better in our internal core document processing, I think.
> I really hope to get involved in Commons-SCXML together. I've also worked for 
> Apache Portals project as committer (and PMC member) for several years and 
> release manager for Apache Portals Applications, too. I have been enjoyed 
> helping users/developers in the mailing lists and contributing to other ASF 
> projects (e.g, commons-lang, log4j2, camel, cxf, etc.). I do respect the 
> community and the Apache Way.
> In any way, I'm really looking forward to helping it.

Cool, glad you're on board then. Thanks for the background above :-)


> Cheers,
> Woonsan

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