On 10/08/2013 02:18 PM, Rahul Akolkar wrote:
Who's there :-)

Agree with all your Commons SCXML related comments below.I've been
out of time for this for a while; you're welcome to have at it. Being
ASF committers helps as discussed down-thread. I'll continue to lurk,
but likely won't be active in the immediate future.

Welcome to Commons,

Thanks for the welcome Rahul.

Its great to hear you agree to the proposal, and welcoming us to go ahead.
Too bad you won't be able to participate directly, but we'll make sure to properly discuss and propose important changes first, so you still be able to chime in any time you feel like it.

And knowing you'll still be lurking is cool: we'll assume no feedback as a good sign then :)

Thanks and regards, Ate

On Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 10:40 AM, Ate Douma <a...@douma.nu> wrote:
Hi SCXML developers/community,

We are trying to figure out what the status and activity of SCXML
development is, and and/or who in the community might be interested in
re-activating it.

 From the mailing lists and JIRA activity we gather not much has been
happening here for a very long time: the last release 0.9 dates back to
December 2008 and the last serious code commits to June 2011...

Looking back through the history of SCXML, Rahul Akolkar was and pretty much
still is the only maintainer of the code but seemingly no longer able or
willing to contribute much anymore.

So, what to do with Commons SCXML?

To put it bluntly, we would very much like to revive the development of
SCXML again.

We are working for Hippo (Open Source CMS vendor) and intend to start using
SCXML as state machine engine in our product shortly.

As the latest release is so old, and based on only Java 1.4, we're looking
into using the Java 6 (J6) branch instead. But this branch is still 'work in
progress' without any release (but targeted at next major version 1.0).

This J6/1.0 branch AFAIK is intended to cover the final SCXML specification
[1], but already running quite a bit behind the latest draft of that
specification. However, this being a W3C specification, having to wait for
it to become final before releasing a next major version of Commons SCXML
seems very counter-productive to me...

Both myself and Woonsan are Apache committers on several other ASF projects
for quite some time, so we know 'how it works'. We would like to get out
hands dirty, start contributing on Commons SCXML, and help move it forward
towards a more current release.

But the question is: is there still anyone out here willing to pick up and
review contributions, discuss stuff, etc.

Hopefully Rahul can chime in (if still listening) and let us know what his
ideas and plans are, or else maybe other active members of the Commons

As a minimum we would like to get a Java 6+ compatible version released
soon, maybe as a first milestone release towards 1.0, and incrementally add
(more) compliance to the current SCXML specification.

For this we propose to 'archive' the current stalled trunk (move it to a
0.xx branch or something), promote the current J6 branch to trunk, and then
take it from there. Website and documentation fixes would be next to pick up
and straighten out and updating the current Maven build. Possibly drop the
outdated Ant build as well if nobody really is using or dependening on it

As said, we're willing to step up here, but as non committers for Apache
Commons we do need a 'handle' to get stuff moving again.

Thanks, Ate & Woonsan

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/scxml/

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