Yeah, that's great!
State machine is a generic and simplistic concept which can be applied anywhere.
In our case (Hippo), we want to leverage SCXML library as a core Document 
Processing Engine. By exposing state machines in XML with ability to add custom 
actions and other declarative configurations, we believe it can increase 
customizability and flexibility in our product a lot.
I worked at a BPM company for several years in the past, so I'm very familiar 
with process/workflow management as well, in both state machine based approach 
or activity-flow based approach. State machine based approach should fit better 
in our internal core document processing, I think.

I really hope to get involved in Commons-SCXML together. I've also worked for 
Apache Portals project as committer (and PMC member) for several years and 
release manager for Apache Portals Applications, too. I have been enjoyed 
helping users/developers in the mailing lists and contributing to other ASF 
projects (e.g, commons-lang, log4j2, camel, cxf, etc.). I do respect the 
community and the Apache Way.
In any way, I'm really looking forward to helping it.



> From: Ate Douma <>
>Sent: Monday, October 7, 2013 7:55 PM
>Subject: Re: [SCXML] knock knock?
>On 10/07/2013 10:40 PM, Juan Antonio Breña Moral wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am working with SCXML for HFSM with EV3 Robots.
>Very nice!
>> I would like to collaborate.
>Any ideas you have floating, bring them on!
>All help is appreciated.
>> Now, Apache Commons SCXML is running in a ARM9 with good performance.
>Great to hear it runs fine on ARM9!
>Our use-case concerns a high level of concurrent processes: many users 
>and interacting with a state machine at the same time, constantly modifying, 
>publishing etc. large amounts of content all in different states.
>We definitely will need good performance too, with the least possible overhead.
>I'm looking forward to work on this together.
>Regards, Ate
>> Cheers
>> On 10/07/2013 10:23 PM, Ate Douma wrote:
>>> On 10/07/2013 09:52 PM, Juan Antonio Breña Moral wrote:
>>>> Hi Great Idea.
>>>> In my case I could test software and contribute a bit.
>>> Great to hear!
>>> Are you currently active user of SCXML?
>>> I'd love to hear in what context, what version, etc.
>>> I surely welcome your offer to test and contribute!
>>> Thanks, Ate
>>>> Juan Antonio
>>>> On 10/07/2013 08:30 PM, Phil Steitz wrote:
>>>>> On 10/7/13 7:40 AM, Ate Douma wrote:
>>>>>> Hi SCXML developers/community,
>>>>>> We are trying to figure out what the status and activity of SCXML
>>>>>> development is, and and/or who in the community might be
>>>>>> interested in re-activating it.
>>>>>>  From the mailing lists and JIRA activity we gather not much has
>>>>>> been happening here for a very long time: the last release 0.9
>>>>>> dates back to December 2008 and the last serious code commits to
>>>>>> June 2011...
>>>>>> Looking back through the history of SCXML, Rahul Akolkar was and
>>>>>> pretty much still is the only maintainer of the code but seemingly
>>>>>> no longer able or willing to contribute much anymore.
>>>>>> So, what to do with Commons SCXML?
>>>>>> To put it bluntly, we would very much like to revive the
>>>>>> development of SCXML again.
>>>>> Great.
>>>>>> We are working for Hippo (Open Source CMS vendor) and intend to
>>>>>> start using SCXML as state machine engine in our product shortly.
>>>>>> As the latest release is so old, and based on only Java 1.4, we're
>>>>>> looking into using the Java 6 (J6) branch instead. But this branch
>>>>>> is still 'work in progress' without any release (but targeted at
>>>>>> next major version 1.0).
>>>>>> This J6/1.0 branch AFAIK is intended to cover the final SCXML
>>>>>> specification [1], but already running quite a bit behind the
>>>>>> latest draft of that specification. However, this being a W3C
>>>>>> specification, having to wait for it to become final before
>>>>>> releasing a next major version of Commons SCXML seems very
>>>>>> counter-productive to me...
>>>>>> Both myself and Woonsan are Apache committers on several other ASF
>>>>>> projects for quite some time, so we know 'how it works'. We would
>>>>>> like to get out hands dirty, start contributing on Commons SCXML,
>>>>>> and help move it forward towards a more current release.
>>>>> Great.  We give sandbox commit to any ASF committer.  Reply with
>>>>> your availIds and we can get that done immediately.  Commit to
>>>>> commons proper requires a little more process, but we can get that
>>>>> done easily assuming you want to join us as committers.
>>>>>> But the question is: is there still anyone out here willing to
>>>>>> pick up and review contributions, discuss stuff, etc.
>>>>>> Hopefully Rahul can chime in (if still listening) and let us know
>>>>>> what his ideas and plans are, or else maybe other active members
>>>>>> of the Commons community?
>>>>> Would be ideal if Rahul is still available / listening; otherwise
>>>>> what you can count on is some random help / comments and help with
>>>>> the release and build process.
>>>>>> As a minimum we would like to get a Java 6+ compatible version
>>>>>> released soon, maybe as a first milestone release towards 1.0, and
>>>>>> incrementally add (more) compliance to the current SCXML
>>>>>> specification.
>>>>>> For this we propose to 'archive' the current stalled trunk (move
>>>>>> it to a 0.xx branch or something), promote the current J6 branch
>>>>>> to trunk, and then take it from there. Website and documentation
>>>>>> fixes would be next to pick up and straighten out and updating the
>>>>>> current Maven build. Possibly drop the outdated Ant build as well
>>>>>> if nobody really is using or dependening on it anyway.
>>>>> Sounds reasonable.
>>>>>> As said, we're willing to step up here, but as non committers for
>>>>>> Apache Commons we do need a 'handle' to get stuff moving again.
>>>>> Welcome to commons!
>>>>> Phil
>>>>>> Thanks, Ate & Woonsan
>>>>>> [1]
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