Thanks for warm welcoming!
We'll clearly communicate and document every feature/issue/task. So, please 
chime in any time if needed.



> From: Ate Douma <>
>Sent: Tuesday, October 8, 2013 9:25 AM
>Subject: Re: [SCXML] knock knock?
>On 10/08/2013 02:18 PM, Rahul Akolkar wrote:
>> Who's there :-)
>> Agree with all your Commons SCXML related comments below.I've been
>> out of time for this for a while; you're welcome to have at it. Being
>> ASF committers helps as discussed down-thread. I'll continue to lurk,
>> but likely won't be active in the immediate future.
>> Welcome to Commons,
>> -Rahul
>Thanks for the welcome Rahul.
>Its great to hear you agree to the proposal, and welcoming us to go ahead.
>Too bad you won't be able to participate directly, but we'll make sure to 
>properly discuss and propose important changes first, so you still be able to 
>chime in any time you feel like it.
>And knowing you'll still be lurking is cool: we'll assume no feedback as a 
>sign then :)
>Thanks and regards, Ate
>> On Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 10:40 AM, Ate Douma <> wrote:
>>> Hi SCXML developers/community,
>>> We are trying to figure out what the status and activity of SCXML
>>> development is, and and/or who in the community might be interested in
>>> re-activating it.
>>>  From the mailing lists and JIRA activity we gather not much has been
>>> happening here for a very long time: the last release 0.9 dates back to
>>> December 2008 and the last serious code commits to June 2011...
>>> Looking back through the history of SCXML, Rahul Akolkar was and pretty much
>>> still is the only maintainer of the code but seemingly no longer able or
>>> willing to contribute much anymore.
>>> So, what to do with Commons SCXML?
>>> To put it bluntly, we would very much like to revive the development of
>>> SCXML again.
>>> We are working for Hippo (Open Source CMS vendor) and intend to start using
>>> SCXML as state machine engine in our product shortly.
>>> As the latest release is so old, and based on only Java 1.4, we're looking
>>> into using the Java 6 (J6) branch instead. But this branch is still 'work in
>>> progress' without any release (but targeted at next major version 1.0).
>>> This J6/1.0 branch AFAIK is intended to cover the final SCXML specification
>>> [1], but already running quite a bit behind the latest draft of that
>>> specification. However, this being a W3C specification, having to wait for
>>> it to become final before releasing a next major version of Commons SCXML
>>> seems very counter-productive to me...
>>> Both myself and Woonsan are Apache committers on several other ASF projects
>>> for quite some time, so we know 'how it works'. We would like to get out
>>> hands dirty, start contributing on Commons SCXML, and help move it forward
>>> towards a more current release.
>>> But the question is: is there still anyone out here willing to pick up and
>>> review contributions, discuss stuff, etc.
>>> Hopefully Rahul can chime in (if still listening) and let us know what his
>>> ideas and plans are, or else maybe other active members of the Commons
>>> community?
>>> As a minimum we would like to get a Java 6+ compatible version released
>>> soon, maybe as a first milestone release towards 1.0, and incrementally add
>>> (more) compliance to the current SCXML specification.
>>> For this we propose to 'archive' the current stalled trunk (move it to a
>>> 0.xx branch or something), promote the current J6 branch to trunk, and then
>>> take it from there. Website and documentation fixes would be next to pick up
>>> and straighten out and updating the current Maven build. Possibly drop the
>>> outdated Ant build as well if nobody really is using or dependening on it
>>> anyway.
>>> As said, we're willing to step up here, but as non committers for Apache
>>> Commons we do need a 'handle' to get stuff moving again.
>>> Thanks, Ate & Woonsan
>>> [1]
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