On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 7:22 PM, Henri Yandell <flame...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2010/3/28 Rafał Krupiński <r.krupin...@gmail.com>:
>> On 28.03.2010 20:13, Henri Yandell wrote:
>>> Unless anyone speaks up for it, I'm all for our making a Retired
>>> section and moving Transaction to it. Possibly we could relabel
>>> 'Dormant' then to be more Sandbox focused and consider some others for
>>> Retired (Attributes, Discovery, Modeler jump to mind).
>> You mean something like Apache Attic?
> Fair point. Let's assume moving it to the Attic. I'm not sure it'll be
> a perfect fit, but if it doesn't we can always maintain our own
> Retired page.

I guess I shouldn't be telling you how the attic works, but IMO its
for projects which don't have a functioning PMC. Thats not the case
for Commons so I think it would be better to keep *retired* components


> Hen

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